Ability to set custom zoom level for presentation mode and keep it constant
There has been a change so every element now shows at 2000%+ zoom level If the zoom is set at 400% for example it should stay at that level for all elements
Export Different Levels - Maps
It would be Good if we could Export Maps at different Levels.If in Excel , it would be much good. Example : Mind Map - All Level 3 Downloads not level two nor level 4
Export the Maps to Excel Sheet
It would be Good, If we could Export the Maps to Excel Sheet
New template: Product Backlog
A template for people trying to structure a business idea (all-in-one-place). To log features in a product backlog, ideas for UI, website, logo, functionality, whatever basically.
Offline Mode
Please create a feature in which the MindMeister browser interface updates a file stored locally on my PC or mobile device instead of the online server. My concerns are about storing my data on your servers and editing maps on my mobile device is very spotty when my cell signal is weak.
💡 Feature Request: More Customizable Options/Themes in the New Editor
At the moment, MindMeister provides the ability to set a customized color palette for each map. It would be great, additionally, to set custom default font, its size, and color set for every level of an outline default shape, border and color for every topic for every level default background color Why is this important?…
Administracion del tiempo y Aritmetica simple
Seria interesante poder contar con alguna plantilla que aplique la teoria de eisenhower #Tambien seria conveniente evaluar poder agregarle a las secciones la posibilidad de agregar una casilla numerica dentro de la misma pestaña, que permita ejecutar funciones basicas como [sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir]..
Restore after crash
There should be a feature where when your computer crashes it resets to the last stable version
Ability to seamlessly create a legend for the mind map
Grant ability to create legend for the mind map so we can assign colors to mean something.
Integrate into Loop, Notion,
It will be great to integrate into wiki tools such as Loop and Notion.
More font sizes, and the ability to change the size/font/colour of the mind map all at once.
Beautiful Flow Charts
Look. I spend a lot of time mapping processes and creating maps. There is abundance of tools that can do rudimentary flowcharting, advanced flowcharting, but none has beautiful flowcharting that is also functionally sound. I envisage look and feel similar to MindMeister Mind Map, but with at least basic features for flow…
Ability to write a fraction
I use mindmeister in my math classes. I miss the ability to write fractions, my students get confused when they see 1/4 * 2/3 - it would be great to see fractions implemented in mindmeister.
[Delivered] Shortcut (or simply enable ESC) to close the Note Window
I can quickly add a note doing ALT + SHIFT + N, but if I can't close the note from the keyboard than it's useless
More Shapes
I'm working on building a flow chart. I'd like to see the option for a diamond and parallelogram.
Manual adjustment of the date for a due date | Manuelle Anpassung des Datums bei einer Fälligkeit
English: Since we work a lot with dates, it would be great if you could enter specific dates when they are due without always having to click on the corresponding months. As with the time. German: Da wir viel mit Daten arbeiten wäre es super, wenn man bei der Fälligkeit auch konkrete Daten eingeben kann, ohne immer die…
Left-Right Alignment, with central root.
Long-time user. Wanting to bring MindMeister to my Workplace, due to the security features. However, there is one simple feature that competiors have, that MindMeister doesn't, that would make it better for a corporate enviroment. That is having an option to select the type of alignment pictured in the attachment (circled…
UML diagrams
I need to use UML diagrams. Does mindmeister not provide this model?
Mindmap as a "Timeline"
Hello, i use Mindmeister and i like to use it! A great tool to organise. What is miss is to create a mindmap as a "Timeline". In mindmeister every new mindmap has a "center". But i would like to create a Timeline example for milestones or to organise things in a chronological way. I would like to make a choice, how to use…
Select a SubTopic and move it around and far from main Topic
I wish I could select the subtopics and move them around and place them wherever I wanted
Import *.SVG or interactive HTML
Important as an alternative way to automatically generate mindmaps or receive mindmaps from other platforms.
The MARKMAP code can be automatically generated by some types of I.A. If MindMeister allows the pasting of the MARKMAP code, we can save time in producing mindmaps from the text received by the "paste" task, for example.
General configuration: always open maps with branches collected
User option to (1) always open the collapsed maps or (2) always with the branches expanded (as it currently is). It helps a lot when reviewing content.
Settings window for the reorganisation of topics
A feature we are all waiting for is, to be able to reorder our topics after working creatively on our mind maps. It would be ideal if these setting options appeared in a pop-up window, in which we could simply reorganise the relevant topics by moving them up and down without changing the visible mind map. The purpose of…
Settings window for presentation mode
To be able to use the presentation mode professionally, I highly recommend a corresponding Button, that opens a settings window. These options are badly needed: Changing the order of the topics for presentation Setting for duration of display and fading Setting for speed/ smoothness of zoom A feature like that should…
Permitir que os usuários, sem acesso à edição, consigam copiar fragmentos do MAPA
É importante para que o usuário consiga usar as informações do mapa com mais rapidez. Ao copiar partes de fragmentos, mesmo com acesso sem edição, facilitaria a rotina diária do usuário que vendemos o MAPA.
Map State Saving
I do presentations using MindMeister to different groups of people using the same map. Some maps are large, and I cannot complete the presentation in one session, and where or how in the map I end each presentation is different. I would like to be able to save the map states (opened/closed nodes and center position) and…
Brainstorming - Modus
Zu Beginn eines Prozesses möchte ich einfach wahllos Ideen, Begriffe, Stichworte herunterschreiben wollen, um sie später dann zu clustern und zu ordnen oder zu verwerfen. Wie wäre es, wenn ihr einen Brainstorming - Modus entwickeln würdet? Ich stelle mir das so vor: ein leeres Blatt, ein Eingabefeld. Ich schreibe ein…
Meister Flashcards
hi im tena and my idea is to make another part of meister community. i like meister notes, meister to-do and mindmeister. so why not add meister flashcards. thx
Ability to tag and filter nodes on a mindmap
I would like to apply one or more tags to a node in mind-map and filter the view of nodes to one or more of those tags. * Applying a rating to nodes and filtering the view to only nodes with specified ratings * Tag each node to a customer or person who raised an idea to make it easier to view the list by customer/person.…