Automation - Can i export a .csv?
Hello, i am trying to get an overview over all my automations. Is there a function similar to the export project as a .csv function?
Why can't I move sections? - they snap back to original location
All of a sudden I can't move sections around. I can grab them with the little hand and move them, but after I drop them and they sit there for half a second, they snap back to where they were before I moved them. HELP! I need to be able to do this. Thanks for any ideas.
Why are the tags in my tasks not displayed?
I have tags in my tasks inside. However, these are not displayed.
People's thoughts on completing, archiving, and deleting tasks
I was susprised when I archived some tasks I no longer wanted to do and they were automatically marked as completed. I've used Jira for about a decade and one of the main principles I've followed and taught when using Jira is never delete anything (unless it was created in error). So I'm trying to reconcile how to abandon…
Why does MeisterTask glitch and content disappear?
MeisterTask keeps glitching on me after I type content. It will delete content I've typed in task cards in the description and task lists. It's very frustrating, and I've lost a lot of content I've spent a lot of time creating and organizing. I have the paid version and I'm very frustrated it keeps doing this. Any advice?
Fotos einfacher hochladen
Hallo, wir dokumentieren unsere Projekte sehr gerne über Fotos, sowohl in der Produktion, als auch auf der Baustelle. Ich vermisse eine Funktion ähnlich wie in WhatsApp, dass man aus der Karte das Foto aufnehmen kann und es direkt in der Karte abgelegt wird. Grüße Kai
Is it possible to create tasks from Excel data in an MT project?
Bonjour, J'aimerais créer des tâches depuis des données Excel sur Meistertask dans un projet. Est-ce possible ? ENGLISH: Hello, I would like to create tasks from Excel data on Meistertask in a project. Is this possible?
Automation to send Mail to a customer
Hello, currently I'm working on an workflow with MeisterTask. But I'm not 100% shoure if MeisterTask is the correct tool for me and my team. So I want to automate a workflow which is triggered, when a customer registers for a seminar over a form on the website. After the registration we get a task (automatically generated…
Probleme mit Benachrichtigungen tasks are due zu kurzfristig <24h
Hallo, Teammitglieder melden mir, dass die Beanchrichtigung per e-email (Tasks are due) teilweise erst 30 Minuten vor Fälligkeitstermin der Aufgabe erfolgt. Dies ist leider viel zu kurzfristig. Die Benachrichtigung muss zuverlässig 24 Stunden vor Deadline erfolgen. Bitte prüfen ob es hier aktuell Probleme gibt. Vielen…
Is it possible to tag and search/ filter blocks of text by tag?
I've just started playing with MeisterNote to see if it can do what I'm hoping for. Right now I have lots of chunks of text for responding to selection criteria for jobs. I've been working for 23 years and can do about five different roles so lots of text, some of them overlapping, some of them describing different facets…
Where is the timeline in the app?
Hi everyone, I was looking for the timeline in a project in the iOS app. But couldn't find it. Does someone know where I can find the timeline? Best, Samuel
[Known Bug] Editing Task Descriptions on iOS
I use MeisterTask daily and love it. The one challenge I've found is for something I use every day - within the Notes (description) field of Tasks. I use these more than anything else, and every time I go into the Notes field, the cursor defaults to the very bottom of the field, forcing me to slowly crawl up the note…
Eine Mindmap zur Notiz hinzufügen
Hallo in die Runde, ich hab mal eine Frage und hoffe das mir hier auf der Plattform geholfen werden kann? Laut MeisterNote HP sollte es möglich sein die erstellte MindMap in MeisterNote zu sehen (siehe Foto) . Ich hab jetzt schon einiges versucht aber leider ist es mir noch nicht gelungen. Weiß jemand was ich machen muss…
Is there an integration of MeisterTask 3 with Spark 3?
Is the integration of MeisterTask 3 with Spark 3 (services) still possible? How can I set this up?
What do you like about MeisterNote that you can't get from Google Docs?
Curious … I've used MesiterTask and Mind Meister for years but trying to figure out the best way to use MesiterNotes. What do you like about MeisterNote that you can't get from Google Docs ? #ThanksInAdvance
Répétition une tâche / Tâche récurrente
Bonjour! Je souhaite utiliser l'action "répéter une tâche", très simple à mettre en place cependant une fois la tâche terminée : il ne se passe rien. Exemple : je souhaite que ma tâche soit répétée tous les mardis. Une fois la tâche faite : je clique sur "terminé". Mais la tâche suivante (mardi suivant) n'apparaît pas.…
💡Request: Update to MeisterTask's GitHub Integration
Hello everyone, We have recently incorporated GitHub integrations into our workflow, but I have encountered two problems which I think could be improved: Whenever we use the '#' symbol in a commit, it automatically completes a task. However, sometimes the commit is not the final one. We would like an option to prevent the…
Quero compartilhar um projeto com alguém, eu pago por essa pessoa na versão pro?
Compartilhei dois projetos com três pessoas diferentes, e agora eu quero comprar a versão pro do MeisterTask, minha pergunta é: eu pago por quantidade me membros no projeto? No site está me cobrando a quantidade de membros que coloquei… gostaria dessa informação antes de fazer a assinatura.
How can I paste an image into a task?
In the 21th century, CMD+V is not for just texts. I regularly need to take a screenshot and add it to my tasks. Current workflow (killer): Take a screenshot Save it as a file Go to attachments/upload in meistertask Choose the image file to attach Delete the file from local after attaching Better way Take a screenshot to…
[RESOLVED] Why have "Send-Email" automations not been working since Jan-9?
Since January 9, the mail automations with customized mails aren not working. Someone knows why, or if something changed?
(Known Bug) Desktop App: Meistertask not allowing me to attach Google Drive doc
Attaching a Google Drive document to the Desktop App (I haven’t tried this using the mobile app) crashes it. I select “Add Attachment” then “Google Drive.” It takes me to the Google sign-in page. I sign into my Google account. Then it crashes.
Why won't MS Teams integration load?
Hi everyone I recently got a business Meister account from my workplace. I already had a free basic account with my (own) Teams, so I deleted my private account and linked my Teams account with my Meister business account. That worked great for MindMeister... But ever since, I cannot add MeisterTask anymore :/ When I try…
Why is there no Meistertask footer in Mindmeister?
Hi, eventually found a video describing how to get my entire mindmap from mindmeister into meistertask. Apparently all I need to do is turn on the meistertask footer on mindmeister by clicking the tick. There is no tick and no meistertask footer! I have the free version of both - is that the reason?? thanks for any help.
Why can I only invite 10 users to my project?
This discussion was created from comments split from: Ask Me Anything - MeisterTask Senior Product Manager.
Permissions to create new team projects - 3 questions
1) Where can I find the permission settings for Team members so they can't create new team projects? 2) In case a team member does create a new team project, the admin of the team should always be added as admin of that project. This is currently not the case, and so the admin has to ask the member who created the project…
How can I get a list of all my tasks?
Hello, In Meistertask I have more than 100 tasks in 13 tabs. I want to get a list of tasks and compare with my Excel sheet. How can I get the list of tasks in each tab from Meistertask? Thank you.
how do I resolve my Account Icon covering my screen?
My account icon is covering my entire screen everytime I open the meister task app on my desktop computer. Using the browser this problem does not happen. Is there a easy fix to resolve this issue as I have uninstalled and reinstalled Meister Tasks and the problem is still happening
Issue with drag and drop zones on Gantt chart
I've done this a few times this morning, tried to drag and drop tasks from my Open column onto the Gantt chart but I have to be careful - see here how the cards in the Done column have moved down? If I release the mouse button it'll drop the card into the Done column (and apply my Complete automation) instead of onto the…
Benutzerdefinierte Felder
Ich bin Jens, und habe eine Frage. Ich benutze die Pro Version und würde gern auf die Benutzerdefinierte Felder nutzen. Ist das nur in der Business Version möglich? Da ich ein Einzelnutzer bin würde ich einige der Vorteile für Teams nicht nutzen. Gibt es eine andere bezahlbare Möglichkeit?
How to get my affiliate commission?
I am referring to this software and they update their plan but in mt affiliate panel, I do not see my commission. plz, help me with this. also share the company mail id so I will contact them directly. and also share the company live chat option