How to disable two-factor authentication to login account?
Hello. I lost my cell phone and with it, access to Google Authenticator. I need to access my account, but I don't have the codes. Is it possible to request that two-factor authentication be disabled? Thanks.
How do I locate and restore a deleted project?
One of my projects that I was using this morning has all of a sudden disappeared. How do I locate and restore a deleted project?
How to Move Project to Group on MacOS?
On my iOS apps, I can drag a project into a project group, no problem. But on my desktop MacOS app, I can't figure out how. The online help page only illustrates the way it works on my iOS apps. Anybody know what I'm overlooking?
[POTENTIAL BUG] Is there an issue with the Timer or are we missing something?
Hi! We have an issue with the timer feature (Meister tasks). I don't believe that the timer is working properly. I recorded this video for you so you can see firsthand what the issue we are having is:Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting or an update that I am missing? I look forward to hearing from you. Have a…
Why is Microsoft login not working in MeisterTask iOS app?
The login page is blank in the app when I chose Office 365. I can access thru the browser but it keeps wanting to go back to the app.
How can I add an image attachment by URL via API (post)?
Hi, in the API documentation, there's 'local:' (file) param only. How can I add an attachment by URL? https://developers.meistertask.com/reference/post-attachment By the way, unlike other API examples (GET/POST), the 'try-it' on the page never succeeded (400). I used Chrome and a PNG file.
How to change the project owner?
Does anyone know how I can change the project owner? When I look at the project I have, although I have created it in the past, the project owner is a person that no longer works in our company. Thanks.
Kann ich eine Note mit einer Gruppe teilen?
Ich würde gerne eine Note mit einer Gruppe teilen - wenn ich auf Teilen gehe, sehe ich nur einzelne und kann die Gruppen nicht finden? Ist das so gewollt? Wenn ja: Feature Request :-)
Why can't I use MeisterTask on touchscreen?
When using the app with the hp touchmonitor, it is not possible to move the completed task to the next section by touch. Press and hold for no response, double-click for details. Is there any way to solve it?
How do I leave my team and join another team?
I have an individual (basic) account, and now my supervisor has created a business team with me in it, and I've been sent an invitation. When I click on the included link to "Join Team" it takes me to my profile with the message "User can't leave team, please contact support@meister.co." Is there no way to do this without…
What is the display period for the timeline?
What is the display period for the timeline? Is it possible to display 12 months? I can only display from March to July.
Can I subscribe to MeisterNote via the Google Play store?
Is there any option to subscribe to MeisterNote via the Google Play store? I'm subscribed to MindMeister using this option, but I don't find MeisterNote in the store.
Grammarly: Is there a way to utilize Grammarly when in MeisterNote?
Grammarly for Chrome (browser plug-in) doesn't initialize when writing in MeisterNote. Grammarly + MeisterNote would be an outstanding combo. Interestingly, it works as I now type in this feature request text box. According to support.grammarly.com, "Grammarly for Chrome is designed to work seamlessly on any website where…
How can I import data into an active project?
I know I can import data (.csv) to create a new project, but how can I import data into an active project? I have tried to use the same Project's name, but it creates a new project every time. Any suggestion? :-)
How can I print photos attached to tasks?
How can I print photos attached to assignments? Or is there no such function? When I ask to print, they don't print the photos
MeisterNote - Is there a way to attach a macro enabled Excel file to a MeisterNote?
Hi there, see question above. Let me know if there's a way to do this. I'm trying to write up instruction on a macro we've created to use internally and wanted to attach the download file to it but kept getting an error message.
Why can't I log in with Safari (MacOS)?
Hey all, I've been having this problem for a while now. I cannot log into any Meister program with Safari. I use Firefox instead - but I'd rather not. I'm using Safari 16.5 In Settings, I've turned off, then on, "enable content blockers" I've allowed and blocked Pop-up Windows Any suggestions? Safari is one of the…
Person API returning too many rows
The /persons API is returning 88 rows. But when I check in the team members page, I only see 72 users, plus 6 pending invitations. So total 78 users. When I look at the difference I see some old email addresses in the API's result that might have been invited, but do not show up in the team-admin's team members page. How…
Wie kann ich ein Projekt als "Gast" löschen?
Hallo, ich bin noch als Mitglied im "Lesen"status in einem Projekt drinnen, das ich nicht löschen kann, und mich dort auch nicht abmelden kann. Das blockiert nun dass ich ein anderes Drittes Projekt sehen kann. Wie komme ich aus dem anderen Projekt raus? Vielen Dank
Can I export the project activity feed?
Hello! I need to track the activity section, but I've tried exporting the data per project and it's not showing up. Would it be possible to get that part exported too so I can parse and analyze the data?
Is it possible to transfer tags from one to another project board?
I created the perfect tags for my projects. Do I always need to create them from anew or can I transfer them from one board to another?
After I finish sub catorgorizing sections, how can I hide the next sub catorgorized section?
Hi Meister family, After I finish sub catorgorizing sections, how can I hide the next sub catorgorized section so they appear in different boards? example: Board/slide 1 - 1.1 Pre application 1.2 Application 1.3 Submit Board/slide 2 2.1 Conditional approval 2.2 Formal approval 2.3 Lender documents to be issued
Can two people log in simultaneously with the same account?
Is it possible for two people (e.g. a couple) to login simultaneously with the same email address and password?
Wie kann ich einen Checklisten-Vorlage endgültig löschen?
Also so, dass Sie in der nächsten Aufgabe nicht noch einmal als Vorlage angeueigt wird.
Spalten neu ordnen
Ich habe die Spalten lauf Alphabet A-Z angelegt. Jetzt kommt es vor das mal die Spalte H vor A Ist. Oder M vor A. Also immer am Anfang. Was kann da machen? Danke.
How to change Project Ownership in Basic version?
Hi, is it possible by using the basic version only to change the ownership of running projects? kann ich in der Basic Version den Beistzer von Projekten wechseln?
Kann ich meine Lizenz für das Pro-Upgrade an ein Teammember zuweisen?
Hallo, ich benötige die Pro Funktionen selbst nicht. Allerdings mein Teammitglied schon, kann ich ihm der nur die Basic-Version besitzt meine Pro Lizenz zu ordnen? Wichtig ist, dass er dann auch die Funktionen erhält. Grüße
[RESOLVED] Cannot use upper case letters in invitees' email addresses
In a project meeting I showed a team of people from another organisation MeisterTask and they're all very eager to start using it to collaborate together. Now that it's time to actually add them to my project, I can't. All of these users have got email addresses on a specific domain, and each time I try to add one I get…
Como cambiar de grupo?
Tengo mi grupo soy unico miembro, pero me quiero integrar a otro grupo de otros usuarios, no se como hacerle, ellos me invitan pero me aprece un error (ya existe un ususrio con esta direccion y no puede unirse a tu equipo en este momento)
Why can't I remove a former employee from a project?
Hey! I'm unable to remove a former employee from a project. Following all the steps and it's still not working. HELP, lol