my mindmap disappeared
The last time I logged on to this site was before Easter, but I logged on today and realised that my mind map had disappeared. Can this be restored? That one was my college assignment, and it was really important to me. Thank you!
[RESOLVED] MindMeister -> MeisterTask Integration not working
When I click on a task link from meistertask to go to the idea in mindmeister, it works, I am directed to the right place in mindmeister. But when I click on a task link in mindmeister to go to the linked task in meistertask, it doesn't work. This takes me back to the mindmeister page with this message; Sorry, we couldn't…
[BUG][iOS] Meistertask Checkliste: Anzeigefehler bei langer Eingabe
Hallo, wenn ich in der iOS App in der Checkliste ein Item hinzufüge, welches lang genug ist, damit eine neue Zeile begonnen wird, wird diese neue Zeile (bzw. alle folgenden) bei der Eingabe nicht angezeigt, sondern erst wenn man 'Done' auf der Tastatur tippt. Einen ähnlichen Bug gibt es auch beim Editieren eines bereits…
Quick Reports - can't sort, only get ad to upgrade to business
Hi, Since the April 1 "upgrade" I can no longer sort tasks in a Quick Report by date, or other field. All I get is a pop-up trying to upsell me to Business from Pro. Has the ability to sort fields in a Quick Report been taken away as well?
[KNOWN BUG] Links not exported to Word docs
Hi there, the links from my maps dont get exported to the word documents… but this feature is essential to my work! I got told for nearly 6 weeks now, they would work on it and fix it, soon. I´m getting to fear, nobody will fix that…would´nt you guess the fix should be found, if someon with knowledge would really work on…
iOS-Update von heute(23.02.24) mit Notes geht nicht
Hallo liebe Community, ich hatte mir heute das IOS-Update für Meistertask über den App-Store runtergeladen und konnte ein einziges Mal das neue "Notizen-Symbol" anklicken und testen. Beim zurückkehren hatte ich auf dem Start-Bildschirm ein komisches ockerfarbenes kleines Kästchen im Hintergrund. Also habe ich die App…
I can't delete a map once created -
Latest version of chrome - the dev tools shows a server error/500 - I'm not seeing an id included with the POST data, or as part of the URL as far as I can tell - and the 500 goes away if I include the idea_id within a $curl -D command, however, it still doesn't delete.. not sure where this post belongs, if I'm off - I…
BUG when opening a MindMap link in a (Chrome) Browser
When i click on a link of one of my mindmaps, chrome opens and this appears. I have the latest version of Chrome installed. Please help. It seems to be working in Safari (at least i think so)
[RESOLVED] App Login via Google does not work
Dear all, I am using MeisterTask for years now and just recently, whenever I start MeisterTask and click "Login with Google", it opens a Chrome Tab, alerts "Click to open with MeisterTask" and then, the app reloads and shows the same Ad Landingpage for logged out users over and over again. I deleted all locale storage and…
Apertei em apresentação e meu Mindmeister travou
Boa noite, sou novo na criação de mapas mentais, apertei em apresentação e o MindMeister travou, nao estou conseguindo mover e nem alterar tópicos criados, alguem sabe o que posso estar fazendo para a resolução desse problema? Desde já agradeço.
Eu não consigo pagar o app (i can't pay for MindMeister)
Eu coloco o cartão, coloco o código de validação e identificação e simplesmente fica nessa tela de popup branca, não prossegue, assim não consigo pagar e fazer upgrade! I put the card, I put the validation and identification code and it just stays on this white popup screen, it doesn't proceed, so I can't pay and upgrade!
Possible Bug - Topic lines missing in presentation mode
Hi - I'm pleased that presentation mode is now available in the new editor in MindMeister. However, the mindmap topic lines often do not appear when using presentation mode. I only see the topic's text when advancing the presentation with the arrow key, without the connecting lines. Because of this issue, I'm unable to use…
Why is Microsoft login not wirking in iOS/iPad OS app?
When I open the Meistertask app (iOS/iPad OS), I can log in via Microsoft. When I sign in, it keeps loading and loading and loading, but then doesn't open.
Possible Bug: "Resource Not Found" Error
Hi, I'm new to MindMeister A big part of my map just got erased as I was adding a new topic, with the text "Resource not found" appearing at the bottom of the screen. I just have a basic account for now. But it's definitely a bug of the platform, so I want my map back ! Do you know how I can do ?
Should notes be saved when written via the app?
In my pc i can write in a note, close the note and if i open the note it is saved. But if i do exactly the same on my phone it doesn't save. Why this happend, i literally lost hours of writtinf just because doesn't save my work. My smartphone is a google pixel 6.
Unable to save a full note in mind map - bug?
I have encountered an issue where I type a note, and when I press enter or click outside of the box to save it , the last words are automatically deleted and won't save. Can anyone help me solve this problem? I discovered that the part of text that caused the following characters disappear was: "0<F<1", everything after…
How do I stop MindMeister embed in Notion from asking for cookie permission everytime I reload?
Basically the question. EduPersonal user here. MindMeister embed in Notion is super annoying. It keeps asking for cookie permission everytime I reload the page. Clicking "Accept All" doesn't stop it. Anyone has a workaround for this? Thanks.
[RESOLVED] My data lost after some changes in my map
The subtopics of one of my topics have disappeared after I changed something. The map lagged for a while, and then my data was gone while the map notified that "resource not found" at the bottom. I tried to restore the older version with full data but the data still disappeared after I took some actions (expand or…
Bug - Outdent not working
I pasted some outlined text into outline mode. My #2 topic is indented and bulleted below #1, as if it were a subtopic, so I'm trying to "outdent" plus remove the bullet. I press SHIFT+TAB and it"outdents for a fraction of a second but then indents again, with the bullet. At the bottom of the screen a message pops up…
[RESOLVED] Öffnen der Windows-App nicht mehr möglich
Hallo liebe Community! Leider kann ich seit heute meine MeisterTask Windows-App nicht mehr starten. Es öffnet sich dann immer ein Fenster, das darauf hinweist, dass Chrome, Safari oder Firefox aktualisiert werden sollten (s. Screenshot). Sowohl Chrome, als auch Firefox sind allerdings auf dem aktuellsten Stand.…
Meistertask auf IOS stürzt ab beim Editieren von Aufgaben
Hallo zusammen, ich habe MeisterTask Pro (seit Jahren) auf meinem iPad und seit ein paar Monaten kann ich keine Aufgaben mehr editieren. Sobald ich auf die Aufgabe klicke und einen Text editieren will, reagiert die App nicht mehr. Dann muss ich alles schließen und erneut öffnen. Lässt aber das Problem nicht. Ein weiteres,…
[CURRENT BUG] Unable to move nodes on IOS
I use Mind Meister on the Mac and on both of my IOS devises (iPad and iPhone). It worked all fine until about 2 weeks ago, and then the IOS devises just stopped any ability to move nodes around, etc etc Everything works fine with moving and re arranging nodes on the web version on my Mac, but all movements are locked and I…
Why can't we access the public link on Firefox Android?
Hi ,On Firefox Android we can't modify private mind mind link without creating an account instead of desktop version we can Please see this mind map who bug Please correct this bug and allow us on Firefox Android modify private open link to modify
Layout messed up by oversized text boxes
Some child boxes save with lots of extra white spaces which throw off the layout. I go back into my mind map, click the text so it auto resizes and it looks correct on my screen but when I export to PDF both the PDF and my mindmap revert to the incorrect/oversized child boxes. I'm on a PC using Chrome and have tried…
Unable to undo after "Server Error" - How to restore?
I had accidentally deleted a handful of subtopics, but before I could undo, a pop-up came up with the message "System Error" and forced me to refresh the page. Is there any way for me to restore this without having to upgrade or retype all of my subtopics?
[RESOLVED] Checklist items changed at random (iOS app)
Hi All, Meistertask 5.15.0 on iphone IOS 16.6 Checklist items mysteriously disappear and get replaced with a random other checklist item when I'm in a checklist and press "enter" on an active task… I've attached a screen capture… Any toughts? Greetings, Robert
[CURRENT BUG] Why can't attachments can't be opend when imported from Trello? (Error)
I am thinking about using TaskMaster instead of Trello. After importing a project directly from Trello, all my attachments (pdf, png, other images / pictures) can not be opened. When trying to open pictures the error says: "Beim Laden der Anhangsvorschau ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." which mean error while loading the…
Adding / Removing Users
I have a member of my team who tried signing up with 2 different email addresses and now our team is showing a duplicate with his name that I would like to remove. When I look at My Team only one of the users show up and there are some other's who are missing. How do I remove the duplicate and and the other users to My…
🐞(RESOLVED): Aufgaben werden nicht erstellt, wenn E-Mails an die Projektspalte gesendet werden
*** EDIT 25.1.2023: Dieser Fehler wurde behoben. *** Hey! Unsere Entwickler haben gerade ein Problem mit der E-Mail-Verarbeitung in MeisterTask entdeckt: Es werden derzeit keine Aufgaben erstellt, wenn E-Mails an einen Projektabschnitt gesendet werden. Wir sind uns des Problems bereits bewusst und unsere Entwickler…