Tasks disappear in Windows App after I disconnect internet
I was occasionally finding my tasks would be lost shortly after I entered them. I've think I've found the problem — it seems if you turn off your internet, then any newly created tasks will disappear after about 5 seconds. This is easy to reproduce. I can't find any discussion of this exact issue.
Undo bug -> forced reload -> loss of content -> workaround paywalled
I'm trying out MindMeister for the first time for about 30 minutes, on a Windows 11 PC running Brave browser (continuing after 10 minutes on an Android phone), and just had a terrible bug and content-loss situation. This is: An inability to undo deletion resulting in loss of data + A paywall restricting access to solution…
[CURRENT BUG] iPhone app is so buggy when handling Japanese text
I've been a Mindmeister user for quite sometime, and I like it. But, there's this bug which makes Mindmeister on iPhone or iPad almost unusable in Japanese. The iOS app doesn't show the entire text when showing the tree. When clicked, it shows the hidden part. Not all nodes are affected by this buggy behavior. Some of them…
[RESOLVED] Connection error when logging in via the app (Macbook + Windows)
Hello, I ran into a problem logging in through the MeisterTask application for Windows 10 x 64, the problem is that when you try to log into your account, the "Check site connection security" window appears and nothing appears beyond this stage, it can stay in this state for a long time. But through a web browser (Google…
Bugfix: Copying of one line and a blank line afterwards --> does not copy blank line
Lost data - bug?
ACRESCENTEI MUITAS Informações ao meu mapa mental e simplesmente elas nao estao aqui, sou assinante.
Why do I get the spinning loading icon when trying to create a template?
Come across an issue where a template is not being created, and is perpetually in the "being created" mode; greyed out text and a spinning icon. Refreshing has not helped, and sometimes will make the whole thing disappear. When creating the template I followed these steps: Click the three dots on a page > selected create…
[RESOLVED] Why does PNG export fail to export all branches? [PDF export almost gets it]
Title self explanatory. PNG export is the only reason I've upgraded. I am disappointed it's a broken feature. Found another topic saying to switch browsers. I've tested on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Same results on 3 browsers. Running on MacOS M1 See pic for reference My guesses: The image export profile has a limit of…
[RESOLVED] Task creation date mirrors "last modified" date
Hi, When I make changes to a task, the "Created" date and time is changed to match the "Updated" date.
Why is Microsoft login not working in MeisterTask iOS app?
The login page is blank in the app when I chose Office 365. I can access thru the browser but it keeps wanting to go back to the app.
[RESOLVED] Why can't I export Mind Maps to PDF on Google Chrome?
I am unable to save PDF's on Google Chrome. This bug has been here for over a week. Where can I report this bug?
Why has the right sidebar disappeared? (old editor)
Using the old editor, suddently the right bar menu has disappeared. I cannot change anything neither add a new idea. I have a presentation tommorrow can you help me please !!! 😱
Fehler bei E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen
Hallo Community, vielleicht komme ich ja hier weiter oder finde über diesen Weg Gehör bei Meister: seit längerem haben meine Kollegen und ich das Problem, dass unsere Benachrichtigungseinstellungen bei MeisterTask immer wieder entfernt werden. Wir haben den Fehler mehrfach gemeldet, nach langem Hin und Her im Dezember 22…
Automationen - Titel lässt sich nicht umbenennen?
Beim erstellen einer Automation (Wiederkehrende Aufgabe) wird ja als Bezeichnung "Aufgabe" vorgeschlagen, sonst konnte man diese Feld überarbeiten. Beim Versuch heute eine neue wiederkehrende Aufgabe zu erstellen, musste ich feststellen, dass dies nun scheinbar nicht mehr geht. Ich kann alles umbenennen jedoch nicht den…
Why do I get an error when adding a link to a topic?
Im trying to add a link to a topic but whenever i enter it, it just brings me to an error in the mindmeister website, also im not able to remove the link in the topic as the reasource is unavaliable?
Why did my mind map not save?
Hello, Yesterday I discovered Mind Meister and I spent half the day making a mind map, the tab was open the entire day and so there would have been plenty of time for the system to automatically save as stated on the About Page. However when I open the map again today an earlier version is only saved and I lost hours of…
[Known Bug] Editing Task Descriptions on iOS
I use MeisterTask daily and love it. The one challenge I've found is for something I use every day - within the Notes (description) field of Tasks. I use these more than anything else, and every time I go into the Notes field, the cursor defaults to the very bottom of the field, forcing me to slowly crawl up the note…
Zuweisung der Admin-Rolle an anderen User
Hallo liebe MeisterTask-Community, ich bin zwar schon seit längerer Zeit mit MeisterTask aktiv, bin jetzt aber auf ein Problem gestoßen, dass ich nicht alleine lösen konnte: Wir haben ein Team mit Pro-Lizenzen. Aufgrund eines Personalwechsels muss ich die Rolle des Admins an einen anderen User übertragen. Allerdings lässt…
[RESOLVED] Why have "Send-Email" automations not been working since Jan-9?
Since January 9, the mail automations with customized mails aren not working. Someone knows why, or if something changed?
(Known Bug) Desktop App: Meistertask not allowing me to attach Google Drive doc
Attaching a Google Drive document to the Desktop App (I haven’t tried this using the mobile app) crashes it. I select “Add Attachment” then “Google Drive.” It takes me to the Google sign-in page. I sign into my Google account. Then it crashes.
My browser is displaying a garbled font - how can I fix?
Hello dear community, we have a problem with the display of mastertask on a team member. With her, the font is displayed cand you can't really read anything. Does anyone have experience with this and know a solution? Thanks in advance - Freddy
[POTENTIAL BUG] MeisterTask description: MarkDown partly not processed in email
Hi, Notice the markdown codes within this email screenshot: While the original MT-Task description shows the correct markdown processed layout: This is the first time I noticed the deviation, email timestamp 11.02. 08:02 (MET). All emails before and after are processed correctly, so most probably this was just temporary.…
[POTENTIAL BUG] Why do we have inaccurate Task Activity feeds?
We are having a really weird bug where in the activity of our cards it's showing the card was moved into the same stage for every movement. We are actually moving it through the stages of our process but it's saying it's in the same stage for every activity log. Does anyone know why this is happening or is this a bug?
[RESOLVED] Fehler beim ersten Login
Hallo, ich habe mich neu angemeldet bei Meister Task und das Profil eingerichtet. Beim Start der APP sehe ich aber nur 3 Icons am Rand mit den jeweiligen Tools Task, Mind,... Im Hauptfenster sehe ich nur eine Grafik. Direkten Support gibt es wohl nicht, daher die Frage an die Community: Wo ist mein Fehler.....
Lange Ladezeiten nerven - Abhilfe gesucht!
Hallo, wir arbeiten in MeisterTask (Pro) unter Windows mit Microsoft Edge. Leider lassen die Ladezeit arg zu wünschen übrig - besonders, wenn man nur "mal schnell" etwas nachschlagen oder eintragen möchte. Soeben getestet: beim Wechsel auf einen bereits geöffneten Tab im Hintergrund braucht es 35 Sekunden, bis das Projekt…
[RESOLVED] Fehler bei Browser-Anwendung von Meistertask (ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)
Guten Tag in die Community, ich habe seit vielleicht kurz vor Weihnachten das Problem, dass bei der Meistertask-Anmeldung der Fehler ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS kommt. Ich nutze ein recht neues Macbook mit allen aktuellen Updates. Das Problem tritt bei Chrome (was ich hauptsächlich nutze) und Safari auf. MindMeister geht…
App keeps closing on Android. What do I do?
Hi, I was able to use the app fine for months. Since a few days ago, the app keeps crushing. It is the same after I delete and reinstall the app. After I login, the mindmeister app keeps closing everytime I open. I can use the map fine from my browser or the app from my iPad. The issue is only in my Android phone app. How…
Why can't I see the option to change time zone ?
As you can see in the screenshot (desktop web version), the option to change the time zone simply isn't there. Some tasks I have scheduled for the afternoon are showing up before dawn on my google calendar. But it's not consistent -- other tasks show up at the correct time. This makes meistertask essentially useless for…