I can't delete a map once created -
Latest version of chrome - the dev tools shows a server error/500 - I'm not seeing an id included with the POST data, or as part of the URL as far as I can tell - and the 500 goes away if I include the idea_id within a $curl -D command, however, it still doesn't delete.. not sure where this post belongs, if I'm off - I…
[Solved] shortcut "^" to focus mode only works in english keyboards
I use pt-br keyboard and to press this key I need to hold shift first and then press it. Then it doesn't work 🙂 another alternative shortcut for these cases or an universal shortcut (ctrl|shift + something else) would solve the problem.
How can I scale Pictures?
How can I move something from meistertask into a mind map ?
Access to linked map, without exra share link
I would like to share my mind map(1) with a link(1), in the mind map there is a link to another map(2). How can I give permission for people with link(1) to also have access to the 2nd map without creating an extra share link?
Can I print a map without colorful background?
I'd like to print my map but the background is using all my ink. Is there a way to turn the background off or make it white?
Map lost due to error?
Hello MindMeister community, This past November, I created a LinkedIn Content Strategy Map for an organization I represent. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to access the map for no explainable reason. Here is the link: https://mm.tt/3044848622?t=mHjPv0MrfI. Can my map be recovered?
How to change email address?
Hello I cannot find anywhere to change my account email address as instruction. Pls help!
Export Image with Errors
I tried export my map to PNG and others formats, but the mindmeister return message "Network error".
How to align a text in the center?
In the old version we just need to click on the text button and adjust left, right or center. Now, this feature is gone and the text is always left-aligned. How should I proceed?
Bug na alteração das cores
Meu mapa mental não aceita mais mudar as cores das caixas. Coloco o código da cor, dou enter e ele não altera.
Anyone else having issues with selecting a custom color and encountering a problem?
Whenever I try to change the color of an element using the custom color where you can slide the dot and choose what shade of color, it won't change the color. If you click the style icon again, suddenly it says "Something Went Wrong. We’re really sorry, our team already knows about the issue and is working on a solution.…
Tracking Changes in MindMeister
Hi! I am working on a Mind Map in MindMeister with several members of my team. I am wondering if there is a way to "track changes" similar to "suggesting" mode in Google Docs? I understand I can restore a previous version, but even doing that does not allow me to easily see what my colleagues have added/edited since the…
Пожалуйста помогите, произошел баг, удалилась большая часть карты.
Использую бесплатный тариф. Большая часть карты резко исчезла сама по себе. Сохранена в версиях карты, но нужно оплатить, чтобы ее восстановить. Как восстановить или связаться с техподдержкой mindmeister, чтобы помогли восстановить версию? Очень срочно!
How to recover a lost mind map node?
I ended up deleting a map nod. But there was a sub nod that was important and it was erased with it. Upon clicking the revert button, a pop-up appeared saying that the team was aware of an issue and had the page updated. Well, now the map nod is gone, there's no way to revert it. How am I going to recover my nod now?
Preciso renovar minha assinatura do mindminter no meu e mail luciana.schiavini.ls@gmail.com
embed on website with full interactibility
We have a Wordpress site that we'd like to embed xmind maps to. Can we embed Xmind Maps on Wordpress websites? Will all the interactive features work on the Wordpress website? We're not looking for giving a link from the website to Xmind, but rather the map being hosted on our website and users being able to play with it…
¿Cómo puedo recuperar mi proyecto si ya caduco?
Soy el administrador y ni yo tengo acceso para mi proyecto. Hice pago para el plan PRO y no he podido accesar.
Can't login with Office 365 account - 500 error
Hi, I have some mind maps on another account subscription that load if I go directly to them, but if I try to access my account profile, it asks me to "Log in with Microsoft" and if I provide the account that I used to sign up, it returns the 500 error below. Happens in multiple browsers. I'm worried that I will eventually…
Duplicating Shared Map - Not Working
I'm able to duplicate a shared map from someone on our team. However when I try to open it, it fails, and says at the top: "Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed." I assume this has to be an error, beause if duplicating shared maps wasn't possible, it wouldn't let you copy…
I would like to know why we don't have access anymore to our tasks ?
They also ask us to ask our admin for access but we have no control either or know where to search. My account is suppose to be the admin unless said otherwise. Can you please help us figure out our issues .
Целый час делала карту, хотела отменить последнее удаление, а мне удалили всю карту. что делать?
Team, Rechts und Zugriffe
Aktuell ist es eine Katastrophe vernünftig zu arbeiten. Ich möchte als Inahber einen Projekts bestimmen können was ein Mitglied in dem Projekt tun kann! Dies auch unabhängig von Teams. bitte regeln Sie das
[RESOLVED] Unable to export to PDF
Hi, trying to export one of my mind maps to PDF and get an error message - oh no, something went wrong - but no indication as to why it will not work after following the steps shown correctly, any ideas?
Why has Auto Zoom changed in presentation mode?
In the presentation mode the defualt zoom was always at 400% which was perfect Now all of a sudden the zoom varies up to 2500%. If i then zoom out and go to the scroll next to goes back to 2500% and does not stay at the 400% i desire? Tried different browsers etc Help much appreciated
is it possible to set up connections between map files?
for example, in map file 1, I have a topic, which extends 5 sub-topics, let me name those subs as 1-1, 1-2 until 1-5. then I have another map file 2, which branches 7 sub-topics numbered from 2-1 to 2-7. Somehow, I found that I am in the demand to connect 1-2 with 2-7, I am wondering if there is a quick way to arrange a…
Single team member account not working
Hi All, My name is Paul and i am very new to Meister Task having taken over a new role that uses this software. Since yesterday one team member is unable to login. We are all on basic accounts and all team members were re-invited to the group prior to 5 Feb so we are really confused as to how it is just one team member…
Has anyone ever used scrintal.com? I wonder if there is a place to ask for new features or even new services within our accounts. Please let me know. Thanks
Error when exporting my map to PDF
Fiz um mapa, de fato ficou grande, estou tentando exportar em PDF e estou obtendo este erro. Existe alguma forma de configurar o time out de exportação? Request to Cloudflare failed with status code 524 (A Timeout Occurred) I made a map, in fact it got big, I'm trying to export in PDF and I'm getting this error. Is there…
How to Embed on Twinspace?
I want to embed a mind map on Twinspace (ESEP Platform) I followed all the steps, copied the long description code and the short one. But the it didn't work. I would be glad if anyone can help me with this.