The ability to upload more attachments to this map won't be available on the Personal plan
Alert message"Attachments will be limited soon. The ability to upload more attachments to this map won't be available on the Personal plan. To unlock unlimited attachments, upgrade to the Pro plan." In the comparison of pricing plan, there seems no information about this. 200MB per one mindmap?
Failed to export. Cropped PNG image.
I have problems exporting via PNG, the images are cropped! The image above is the PNG export. Below is a print screen of what it should look like: Check the folder "Meus mapas > Novo Testamento > Evangelho de Marcos > Marcos 10"
Orden en modo presentación
Cuando uso el modo presentación, no me permite como la versión anterior dar el orden que yo necesito a la misma, ¿alguien sabe como elegir el orden de manera manual? No veo la opción para editar el orden como lo necesito.
Rename tasks between Mindmeister and Meistertask
I'm currently experimenting with the combination of Mindmeister as a visualization and Meitertask. I have the following problem. If I create a task in Mindmeister and then rename it to Meistertask, the name in the mind map does not change. Is there an idea for this. Thanks for the support..
[CURRENT BUG] ':/' becomes 🫤 in https links in Android app
while writing notes, anytime you write ':/' it will transform into 🫤 when you finish editing. this is buggy. look what it made to my links: and worse: when I tried opening this same note on the web using my laptop, the text on it simply disappeared (you almost made me go crazy); then I looked back again in the android app…
[CURRENT BUG] Links in notes unclickable in Android app
links on comments or notes are "unclickable" in the android mobile app. I know that there's the feature to link something to a topic, but sometimes it is better to have a lot of links in one place, you know? it's a user issue. this video shows everything:
How to delete characters with keybord shortcuts
Subject: Unable to delete characters with keyboard shortcuts in MindMeister Body: I am writing to you today because I am experiencing an issue with deleting characters in MindMeister. Environment: MacBook Air 2020 Google Chrome browser Issue: When I am creating a mind map in MindMeister and I accidentally type a wrong…
How to change my email address?
I would be happy if someone could please tell me. When I click on the link in the change confirmation email, it becomes an attached error message, and the email address cannot be changed. How can this issue be resolved?
How do I prevent my attachments from disappearing?
When I attach a file to a task, the process goes as advertised. When I open the attachment (in this case, a .pdf file), it displays in a pop-up window as shown here: I then click on the "X" in the upper right corner to close the attachment. When I do, I return to the mind map as expected. When I click on the attachment to…
Why can I not remove a team member?
export wrong text color
I have white text in orange circle but it exports as black - even afetr Ichange it
Preventing sorting of pasted topics
When I select a set of child nodes and paste it elsewhere, Mindmeister sorts them without asking. That is not helpful! How do I prevent this?
Why do I get this error message when sharing a map with a friend via the iPad app?
The operation couldn't be completed. (MindMeister.-MindMapServiceError error 0.) I have tried all supposed Help directives. The file is not in the trash so restore from there is not possible. I need a snapshot restore if at all possible.
It seems that info from old maps is disappearing?
Hi, everyone. Since the new editor of MindMeister had been released I’ve been experiencing many bugs. The latest is that informations in old map version are desapearing - attached. Other recurring issue is related to how information is displayed when I save my maps as PDF. Has anyone been experiencing the same? IOS 16.7
[RESOLVED] Unable to pick a colour from Spectrum or Grid (More colours)
I can not pick any colour from More Colours, a board has just stopped working.
[RESOLVED] Change in color palette
When changing the color palette a problem occurs, it only tells you to refresh the page and does not solve the problem.
[RESOLVED] Não consigo alterar a cor das formas, sempre aparece uma mensagem e meu mapa é encerrado
Já está há muitos dias assim, preciso alterar a cor, pois sigo um padrão!
Image Export Problems
One of my mind maps its impossible to export image. What I need to do to fix this? I need to share the image with my clients.
How can I export a right-aligned mind map?
I can no longer export a mind map, right aligned to a text file anymore from the new editor? Help, I do this all the time and insert it into my system, according to my meetings. I did it very easily in the old version and today I can't do it anymore. Everything comes out in disarray and I lose the writing logic
Getting Overlap - How do I fix this?
Wie ich Elemente aus dem Snipping TOOL in meine MIndmap einfügen kann
Hallo mir ist nicht klar, wie ich Elemente aus dem Snipping TOOL in meine MIndmap einfügen kann, als png Datei gespeichert funktionier nicht, in Notiz oder Element direkt einfügen auch nich, einen Pfad einfügen auch nicht (wird eingefügt, aber nicht aufgerufen
URLs in topics
I'm not sure if this is officially supported, but it works with a minor glitch. I can create a URL link like this in a topic: But the syntax is adding the closing parenthesis: I tried adding a space to delineate the end of the link from the end of the URL which in this case also has the a closing parenthesis but it does…
My public map doesn load, it shows a message and a loading bar.
Hi there I have a public map with more than 4.7K visits, since 3 months ago, the map just stop working and doesn´t load, it shows just a quote ""If people aren't laughing at your dreams, your dreams aren't big enough."" . Im on a paid personal plan, I only have 2 maps published. This is the map This happens in all…
Alteração de e-mail de acesso
Bom dia, Estou tentando fazer a alteração do meu e-mail de acesso, porém quando recebo o link no e-mail novo, para validar a alteração, a solicitação não é concluída. E quando tento solicitar novamente a alteração, aparece um erro e diz para tentar novamente mais tarde. Preciso muito alterar o e-mail de acesso. Alguém…
[Android] Keyboard disappearing when tapping 'new topic' (any); text is fuzzy when not on 100% zoom
Love the minimalism of the interface. However… Keyboard is disappearing when tapping 'new topic'. (SwiftKey on Android 10). Does it work fine on newer OS? 2. Text is fuzzy when not on 100% zoom. Dealbreaker. 3. White notification bar? Is that my launcher doing it? Tried changing my launcher setting, did not find it yet.
I accidentally deleted my mind map (please, help me)
I accidentally deleted my mind map, is there a way back?
MindMeister - Export to PDF
Hi Team, I have amazing experience with MindMeister using it for couple of years now. Recently I needed to export mindmaps into PDFs and noticed that some of the nodes have missing lines in sub branches. It seems like a PDF export bug - exporting to PNG gives all the lines visible. Thank you and best regards, Jakub
Network Error when trying to export
Hi MindMesiter Team, I have paid my subcriptions. I have my maps which i need to download and it keeps giving me Network Error in any device i try to download my maps. There is no support which is helping, Can you please help
How to show a thumbnail embed of the website instead of a link?
When I add a link to a mind map topic, it shows up as a link. Is there any way to show a thumbnail embed of the website instead? It seems to me it used to work that way in the old version.