Hola! problemas con probable autocorrector (Issue with autocorrect)
Hola! Cuando intento editar alguno de mis mapas, no me permite escribir, o mas bien se escriben otra palabra en automatico, a alguien le ha sucedido esto? Saludos
When will we be able to link between mind map and task on iPad?
Hello, In our company almost all team members actively use Meister's products (mind maps and tasks) from their iPads. On web when you create a task from mind map topic, the link between mind map and task works just fine, to both sides. On iPad such a link is not seen anywhere and you are not able to move between mind map…
Eu não consigo pagar o app (i can't pay for MindMeister)
Eu coloco o cartão, coloco o código de validação e identificação e simplesmente fica nessa tela de popup branca, não prossegue, assim não consigo pagar e fazer upgrade! I put the card, I put the validation and identification code and it just stays on this white popup screen, it doesn't proceed, so I can't pay and upgrade!
Can I further increase font size MindMeister?
I noticed we only get 3 sizes but to me, the fonts are still too small. Is there a way to bypass and make them bigger?
Erro para exportar
Não estou conseguindo exportar para PDF, tenho plano pessoal que permite mas dá um erro "Network ERROR. Alguém sa be como proceder?
Is there a limit for storing previous versions of my map?
Hello! I have few questions about versions. How many versions are stored? Is there a limit for storage duration? Is there a retention policy manual? Is it possible to backup them?
Constantly getting 'unhandles response' error bugs
I constantly get these error messages and the last steps I do are the deleted and I have to repeat. Annoying to the point I'm considering leaving
MindMeister Academy - Auch auf Deutsch?
Kann mir jemand sagen, ob es die Academy Kurse auch auf Deutsch gibt und wie ich drauf zugreifen kann? Danke 🤗
マインドマイスターにて、マップを作りましたが、広い視点のロジックツリーが全て消えるなど事故に見舞われたのですが、対処法をご教示ください。一度は接続状況関連で消え、2回目は作成している途中で消えました。 (2回目は、PC上では残っていましたが、再度読み込ませると、消えました。リソース不足のような表示が一瞬なされました。)
Is there any spell-check program within Mindmeister?
Is there any spell-check program within Mindmeister? Specifically when using the mindmap. I can't seem to find any.
Why is there no connection from the original topic to a new map when I convert topic to a new map?
When I convert a topic to a new map, then in the bottom of the screen I see two messages: 1. Topic was converted into a new map 2. Value is invalid After that I can see that there is no connection to a new map next to the topic. But a new map was created successfully. As a workaround I had to add link of a new map to the…
Estou tentando fazer o upgrade e não está dando
mais alguem com esse problema?
[POSSIBLE BUG] Sharing Map leads to error
Sempre que preciso compartilhar um mapa para que outras pessoas acessem como leitor, o sistema fica carregando e não sai da tela de carregamento. Não consigo mais de jeito nenhum compartilhar. Meu plano é pago. Mas tem mapas que quero compartilhar que não podem ser editados. Como proceder? Translation: Whenever I need to…
[RESOLVED] How can I remove MindMeister autocorrect? (Portuguese)
Hello! I need to remove MindMeister's autocorrect, since I've been trying to write for a while now, but it autocorrects everything and most of the time it gives me words that are not what I want. I need some guidance. Thank you!
Hola que tal, la plataforma me borra y cambia las palabras, no me permite editar ningún archivo, ¿Có
Is there any way to roll back the changes in the old version of the editor?
My data lost after some changes in my map
Notiz-Gruppe nicht mehr sichtbar - Rechte versehentlich gelöscht.
Hallo, ich habe mir für eine Notiz leider selbst die Admin-Rechte gelöscht. Leider hatte keiner meiner Kollegen sonst die Admin-Rechte auf diese Notiz. Nun kann ich die Notiz nicht mehr sehen und natürlich erst recht nicht mehr bearbeiten. Kann mir jemand helfen?
у меня ничего не работает. не создаются карты , все оплачено
что делать?
Can I just drag a single box instead the whole mind map? If yes, how?
Bonjour. Les photos que j'ai insérées ne s'impriment pas et ne sont pas visibles dans le pdf non plu
[CURRENT BUG] First Japanese character error - マインドマイスター使用時に日本語入力をすると一文字目にバグが発生する
Why did my mindmaps suddenly dissapear from my account ?
How do I downgrade to the free account option?
I have tried to click on it but it won't allow me to do that.
[RESOLVED] Why did I lose access to a map after sharing?
Hi, After sharing a mind map with 3 people, I cannot access it anymore. This message appears. Help !!!
default boundary disappeared in old UI
The default boundary options are disappeared in old UI. Could I use default boundary?
How and where to save files in format MindMeister (.mind) MindManager XMind Freemind?
I have saved in Crhome in format html, not permited to import. Please address me teh orientations asap. Paulo Lana
Possible Bug - Topic lines missing in presentation mode
Hi - I'm pleased that presentation mode is now available in the new editor in MindMeister. However, the mindmap topic lines often do not appear when using presentation mode. I only see the topic's text when advancing the presentation with the arrow key, without the connecting lines. Because of this issue, I'm unable to use…
[RESOLVED] All map topics now have angular corners
Dec. 13, 2023. Hi, Thank you for this amazing product - Mindmeister. I noticed the border shape changed from a rounded corner to a right corner this morning on all my mind maps created. I couldn't change them back to the rounded corner. Please see the differences (below). Thanks, Ken p.s. Windows 10 64 bit, Chrome browser…
[CURRENT BUG] "Show as Boundary" crosses branch lines when not expanded
Short of not using a boundary, is there a better way? Auto-align is also enabled and I can manually drag the topic with the boundary, but prefer when it's not so far up in the map to avoid overlap when it's expanded.
Não estou conseguindo anexar arquivos (cannot attach files)