Need Help Improving Readability and Layout Flexibility in MindMeister Personal
Hello everyone, I recently upgraded to MindMeister Personal and have been exploring its features. However, I'm encountering a few challenges with the mind maps I've created, and I'd appreciate any advice or tips from the community. Here are the specific issues: Font Size Concerns: Despite selecting the largest available…
Previous version
Hello! I opened my MindMeister today. I haven't changed anything, however, some sections have disappeared (pushing the back button, nothing changes). At the same time, I can see the disappeared section (highlighted black) in the previous version of my map. That is strange as now if I want to get my full map, I need to buy…
Meu mapa sumiu sozinho
Eu fiz um mapa completo no dia 18/05/2024, e hoje dia 20/05/2024 fui abrir ele e não tinha nada la dentro, usei a plataforma "Mind Meister" usei ess plataforma, se alguem puder me ajudar a recuperar esse mapa, tinha informações muito importantes la, esse é o resultado que ficou;
Meu mind gap voltou para a primeira versao
Meu mind map voltou para a primeira versão e não consigo acessar a última. Obrigada!
Com faço para ordenar a sequência de uma apresentação?
Bom dia. Qual procedimento deve ser observado para ordenar a sequência de uma apresentação? Desde já agradeço!
How to Merge Two MindMeister Accounts and Perform Bulk Export/Import
I want to merge two MindMeister accounts into one. It seems that exporting data from one account and importing it into the other is the most reliable method. However, can I only export data one by one? Could you please tell me how to export and import all data at once?
[RESOLVED] Unable to access maps
I haven't been able to access my maps for two days. This message appears: I haven't found a way to access support. I have the free plan. Can you please tell me how I can solve the problem? Thank you very much.
Meu projeto deu um bug no desktop, e voltou salvo somente uma parte dele! Como recuperar?
Estava trabalhando no desktop e do nada deu um bug, recebi mensagem que a equipe estava trabalhando para resolver o problema. Mas quando o mapa reapareceu na tela, muita coisa sumiu!!. Ficou somente uma parte do meio do projeto salva! Alguém pra me ajudar? Como recuperar?
Fale broken
One day, the card rolled back to the previous version. After restarting the phone, the card stopped working at all and even stopped importing, it shows (error when importing the file) What to do? There is a lot of important information there from a personal computer error (the file cannot be analyzed)
Can we change the colors of only one line in the Map ? Thnak You !!
How do I export the created data in landscape orientation?
I use mind meister. How do I export the created data in landscape orientation? I use the iOS version.
verlorene Daten
This discussion was created from comments split from: [CURRENT BUG] Mind map data lost during simple 'duplicate' operation.
[CURRENT BUG] RTF output not the same order as Presentation Output
When outputting RTF format the order of subjects from the mindmap is : right part top down, left part top down. When doing a presentation from the mindmap the order is : with the clock from top right to top left. That is very annoying if you want make for instance a handout or speaker notes in text format. Is that a known…
Layout Mindmap komprimieren
Die Mindmap Äste sind relativ weit auseinander dargestellt. Kann ich diese näher zusammen schieben? Danke für Feedback. LG GS
a alquien le ha pasado que cuando quieres ir del basico al personal (6.5€ /mes) no te deja pagarlo?
Kann ich 2 Mindmaps gleichzeitig sehen und bearbeiten?
[RESOLVED] Export issues on iOS
I'm unable to export the mind map on the iPhone or iPad. I choose the jpeg or png option, request export, but nothing happens. How to solve?
[RESOLVED] Sharing a mindmap
Once I click in the share button the screams stay loading forever and I can't share my mindmaps. I'm in the paid plan and I've send an support ticket abot ten days and I still not having the answer. I need help to fix it as fast is possible because I need this for work.
Does Mindmeister still do backups?
I've had an account for years and it always backed up automatically to a Google Drive. Now I cant see that it's still possible (I have a Pro account) Has this feature been removed? If not, how do I set it up to backup to another folder. Ian
質問です。 マインドマイスターにおけるプレゼンテーション機能使用中に次のスライドへ移動した時の倍率がかなり大きく、不必要に画面いっぱいに表示されてしまいます。 倍率を固定する方法はありますか。
プロプランを契約中ですが、なぜか作成したマップが保存されなくなりました(日本時間の4月11日から発生) マップを作製してもマップ画面を閉じて再度開くと何も作成していない状態(初期状態)に戻ってしまいます。 どなたか対処法を教えてください。
My main card has not been saved - I need to restore my data
My main card has not been saved - I need to restore my data Hello! Yesterday I made a map that is very valuable to me, but for some reason it has not been preserved, for me it is of great value, I ask you to restore my map! I'm ready to pay any money - I really need it for work now! I hope for a speedy resolution of my…
Why am I unable to enter text in a note?
When I click on the space to enter a note no cursor shows there nor am I able to type in any text. I am able to use Comment and type there, but I really need to use the note entries.
MindMeister for educational purposes - discounts
Good morning, I am a teacher and I use MindMeister for purely educational purposes. Is there a possibility to obtain a teacher account or receive a discount?
Collapse Large Opened MindMap
How do you do this on a MAC?
How to collapse all topics?
Is there a way to collapse all topics? please tell me.
[CURRENT BUG] iFrame zoom size
I think the zoom attribute is not working when we set it on the iFrame URL. in my case it is configured as: https://www.mindmeister.com/maps/public_map_shell/0000000000/ABCDE?width=300&height=200&z=0.6&no_share=1&no_logo=1 but when it opens, it fallbacks to 100% size. Since I'm opening it on a tile of my application the UX…
All Nodes Collapsed on Opening Map?
Hi! Is there a way to have all the nodes of the map be automatically closed each time the map is reopened? I like to have my maps have a clean look so I can find the branch I need easily. Thanks for any help! Aaron
[CURRENT BUG] Export as MindMeister file (.mind) does not contain link
To reproduce simply create a mindmap put random link to a node export as MindMeister file (.mind) file Unzip it and there is no link for that node
Link two different maps?
My book outline is getting big. Can I link a sibling to an entirely different mindmap?