I cant change type of form at my mindmap here
I cant change type of form at my mindmap here Pls help me. My login — team@stratoplan.ru
"Resource found" error in Mind meisterのエラーについて
When I restore the data in the version, I get the text "Resource found". Is there any way to resolve this? バージョンでデータを復元すると『Resource found』とゆうテキストができてきます 何か解決する方法がありますか?
Can I Combine Two or More Paths?
I have a path which branches out to two options, then needs to be recombined back to a single path… Is This Possible?
No MS SSO login in iOS App?
Hello! I can´t seem to login using SSO although we as a company are on a pro/enterprise plan… Login works fine in browser
How to put a carriage return (new line) into a topi on the iPad app?
Hi, Trying to edit text in ios app (ipad) and I cant put in a carriage return using keyboard shortcuts (SHIFT + RETURN /ENTER). Works fine on the browser version. Any thoughts? Thanks R
How can you share a mindmap and always force it to have nodes closed?
When I share my mind map, it seems to start off with everything open. And since I have a few levels deep, it is a bit of a messy start for people. What I want to do is have all childen in a closed state so that a user can "open" as they go down paths they want to explore instead of having to "close" things they are not…
'Style' not expanded automatically
No sidebar tools are expanded by default when I select a node in my map. This used to be available in previous versions, i.e. when a node is selected, additional options/actions applicable to that node would be readily available for usage. We need to click a few times with the current design to get what we want. Then, we…
Why does html code in a note break?
It is possible to insert a piece of code into the note. But as soon as you leave the map, the code breaks. Mindmeister deploys new features and doesn't test them at all. Breaks existing projects. Every update breaks already working projects. After leaving the project and returning...
Why is there always a different color palette available on two identical mind maps?
Why is there always a different color palette available on two identical mind maps?
Anyone Got a World History Mind Map?
Is there anyone in the community who can recommend an map that explains world history history in an easy and accessible way?
保存の仕方 (How can I save a map while creating it?)
How can I recover subscription and data?
When I logged in, it looks like my subscription is no longer valid. I also found out that I lost all my data. My PERSONAL subscription is valid by March 22, 2024. Please help.
Editing in outline mode ruins look of Mind map mode by making it one long line of text
I created a mind map with text in boxes and switched to Editing mode to work on the details of the text, but when I switched back. The text has become one long stream instead of a neat small box. I tried to use the return key to bring it back down to a new line, but this didn't work. What should I do to return my mindmap…
Can't access the Academy - what am i doing wrong?
Probleme beim Druck umfangreicherer Mindmaps
Beim Drucken umfangreicherer Maps finde ich keine Option die Maps auf A3 auszudrucken. Im A4 Format wird die Schrift oft sehr klein und teilweise sehr pixelig. Hat jemand da einen TIpp? Aktuell scheint es mir nicht möglich größere Mindmaps einfach auszudrucken. Das ist schade und schränkt die Funktionalität doch sehr ein.…
Hi Everyone, I recently invited several people within my pro account to become part of my team and enabled both maps and tasks for each user (as they were receiving a message saying that they were not enabled). After enabling I then received paid invoices for several Pro subscriptions from my PayPal account. Support have…
How Do I Change my Mindmap's name?
When I first created a mindmap, it took on the first word I typed into it as the midemap name. How do I change this name or give it a filename? Thanks!
Can I migrate my maps from my old account to the new one?
Some time ago I was using an account, but then I created a new one and upgrade its plan, but I can't access my old maps in the previous account. I already pay for the new one and I would like to move the content from the old account to the new one. Is there any chance or method to migrate the maps?
Why aren't icons for notes and connections not visible next to topics (black background theme)?
Hello, I am using blackboard theme and I cannot see icons for notes and connections, that were visible next to topics in previous versions. I have noticed that when I switch to any theme with white background, then the icons are visible.
Viewing maps without signing in? サインインせずにマップを閲覧する方法はありますか?サインイン画面に飛んでしまいます。
作成したマップをサインインさせずに見てもらいたいのに、URLからアクセスしてもらったらすぐにサインインを求められる画面に変わってしまい、マップを見せることができません。 サインインせずにマップを問題なく見れるパソコンもあるのですが、全員にサインせずにマップを見てもらいたいのです。 どなたか解決策が分かる方はおられますか? 私自身は課金してパーソナルプランでそのマップを作成しました。 マップ画面上「共有する > リンクをシェア > 閲覧のみ」で生成されるURL ↑この方法でしています。
When using a dark theme, link icons become invisible
Worked before but now icons are dark
Restore mindmap mishandling
Hello everyone, I got an issue when I registered myself this morning. I was kind of block in the dashboard & I don't know why, but it completely deleted all my 3 mind maps. I really need them for a school use. Please tell me how to do ?
Can you create mind maps or visual diagrams of that "أدوات بسيطة: منذ فترة طويلة، كان الناس يستخدمو
マップのバージョンの復元ができません。Unable to restore
バージョンを復元したいのですが、バージョン履歴を開くと応答しなくなり 復元ができず困っています。 とても大切な資料なので、早急に復元をしたいです。 ネット環境は良好・他のマップは復元できます。
Is it possible to insert a topic between two existing ones?
I like the software. But I am ready to look elsewhere, I cannot insert edit… Example. If I have a starting topic, I can add a branch, then another. However if I want to insert to edit a new idea between the starting topics and next branch it is impossible. I have a large software program to create and cannot freely make…
Can personal packages be logged in on multiple devices?
Can personal packages be logged in on multiple devices?
Possible Bug: "Resource Not Found" Error
Hi, I'm new to MindMeister A big part of my map just got erased as I was adding a new topic, with the text "Resource not found" appearing at the bottom of the screen. I just have a basic account for now. But it's definitely a bug of the platform, so I want my map back ! Do you know how I can do ?
Should notes be saved when written via the app?
In my pc i can write in a note, close the note and if i open the note it is saved. But if i do exactly the same on my phone it doesn't save. Why this happend, i literally lost hours of writtinf just because doesn't save my work. My smartphone is a google pixel 6.
How to navigate between zones in presentation mode? (old feature)
Hi, I saw that in the past one were able to make presentations based on a mindmap, where some zones could be selected to group different items, and then it was possible to navigate between zone 1, 2 etc. during the presentation. Why isn't it possible now? Thanks
Does the iOS upgrade to personal plan carry over when I sign in on my PC?
I'm in my 14 day trial period for the upgrade to personal plan. I upgraded on my iPhone. When I sign in on the iPhone I have the features of the Personal Plan but when I sign in on my PC I'm still on the free plan. Same user name and passwords for both.