How can I change my email account/password when using Google SSO?
It now says "Set a password to change your email account", but it doesnt say where and how.
Is there a Find & Replace feature within MindMeister?
Is there a Find & Replace feature within MindMeister? I see that Ctrl-F brings up Find, but it doesn't look like there is a option to Replace.
How to remove the small "windows" in the upper side of the screen?
Hello, I want to record the screen of my mind map for a teaching course. Howeverm the small "windows" (for inviting someone and for indicating the name of the mind map) keep in the middle and are really annoying. How can I remove or minimize them? thank you ANdre
How to enable real-time editing in MindMeister?
Hi, I would love to be able to use Mindmeister just as I use Google Docs from a real-time updating perspective. Is there any setting I have to change to enable this feature, or are there browser that allow real-time updating? (I'm using Firefox). Thanks and happy mindmapping! 😊
iOS subscription not recognized by MindMeister
Hello, For a few years I have had a “Personal” level subscription to mindmeister. I did not use it much, but this week I tried to use both the mindmeister iOS app and the mindmeister site, and my subscription was listed or recognized. My account is now set up to only allow access to 3 maps. For the record, the email…
(RESOLVED) Pasting too much text in an Mind Map topic creates error
yes my fault and get the error: "..our team already knows about this and working on..." Just want to let you know that, yes its my fault; App Loogs great! 😎
Can I change the default font type and size?
Hello everyone. While new to Meister, I have already created quite a few complex maps for my work. One frustration is that I must manually change all the fonts while creating topics and I was wondering if there is a way to change the default font type and size. Thank you for your advice on this subject matter.
Are links clickable in PDF-export from MindMeister?
Hello, In PDF-export from MindMeister, I can click on a link to a YouTube-movie and get direct access. Links to other websites or other MeindMeister mindmaps are only accessible through the link-overview in an extra PDF-page underneath the original graphical mindmap. Is this a bug, how can I acces these links directly from…
Link generation: How can I get a URL link which creates a new mind map?
Hey there, I need your help as i didn't see any hint yet! What do i want to do? I want to integrate a link into a button on a Microsoftteams-website for creating a new mindmap. So there are problems with the integration of teams as i see in case you work with people from abbroad and different accounts. However the link…
How do I build an Org Chart Horizontally?
It appears when you build an org chart it only allows you to build a chart Vertically. I want the peer levels of the org chart to appear horizontally and with each level, we add it would then build vertically. It appears I can only make very tall skinny org charts in Mindmeister. Every org chart I build defaults to adding…
Which Templates Are Available on Pro Plan?
I have searched and searched and cannot find how many templates are available in the Pro Plan. I know I can make unlimited maps but what I am looking for is how many templates are available as in the basic plan, there are very few to choose from. Thank you.
How to stop the editor crashing when I am exporting large maps?
Hi, I have maps that are so large that they cannot be exported, it does not allow it and it is constantly failing and I have to refresh the browser and restart with what I was doing, it does not allow me to advance because it does not last even 5 seconds without crashing. How can I use the inherited editor, because with…
Can I set alerts/notifications for a Mind Map Topic?
Is it possible to embed in a topic an alert or notification that would pop up at a preset date and time?
Can I add two or more connections between two topics?
Hello, is it possible to create two or more connections between the same two topics with different labels? I could not find an option for it. Thanks for the help.
How Can I Print a Wall Size Map?
I want to create a mindmap scaling to 8 feet tall and likely 20 feet long. Anyone know how to scale the map so I can be sure everything fits? I assume I can export as pdf
Why can't I share a mind map on the free plan?
Hi, I can't seem to share a mind-map diagram on the free platform? The 'link' toggle doesn't work
How to provided a descriptive name for an attached URL?
I'm a software engineer and use MindMeister for my studies. I work with numerous technologies and languages. Some of my mind maps can get rather large, so I break them down by topic. If I right-click on any node in a map, I have the option "Create as Map." This creates a new map, and the "attachment" is the name of the new…
Advice for note taking with MindMeister?
Hello - I had a question about anyone else's thoughts on how best to take quick notes using MindMeister? I'm a student with adhd and have found mind mapping helpful in the past but was wondering if there's a live note-taking feature I can use for class.
[RESOLVED] Why am I unable to change my password?
When I go to the Accounts page and go to change my password, it asks me for my current password, but the field doesn't allow for any input. Tried this on Firefox and Chrome. Anyone else having this issue?
[RESOLVED] Mind map exports to Word (.docx) can't be opened on Windows
Hi, When I export a mind map as a Word document, selecting all checkboxes, the resulting .docx file seems to be corrupted. If I attempt to open the document I get the error: "We're sorry. We cant open document1.docx because we found a problem with its contents." Anyone come across this? I cant find anywhere to report this…
How can I stop my dashed border style getting reset to solid?
When after changing a border style of a MindMeister shape with a thin border to "dashed" it gets reset to a solid line when reloading the document. Seem to be a bug. Can be reproduced using Chrome or Edge. Opened a bug ticket September 13th and it got confirmed. Unbelievable that it hasn't been fixed! Did provide a video…
[SOLVED] Mobile App keeps crashing at map listing
I think I have too many mind maps. Why does a list of mindmap have to be so resource-intensive? My phone is new and has 12 GB of RAM, which is more than what my laptop has and that thing can easily handle it.
How can I remove a user who has become an owner from the team?
*Translated by deepl I took over ownership from my predecessor. I then tried to deactivate the predecessor's account and remove it from the team, but an error occurred. Please let me know how to resolve this issue. Validation Error "Not all users were removed from the team. "user" is currently paying for at least one of…
Signing in with two different accounts: Where are my maps?
Hello I was on the Basic subscription, and had created 3 mind maps. I created a second account to use at home with my home email address, but when I log in to my work account it insists on taking me to my personal one even though the log in details are different. How can I get my original mind maps back?
Is there a way to turn off notifications when changes or additions are made to MM?
Mindmeister crashed - how can I view my previous work?
While working on the project, the site crashed and after I went back to the site, I could no longer undo the actions - they are not available. The data is not saved and due to problems with the site they are forced to purchase a subscription.
How can I change the order of topics in ppt or pdf exports?
English Translation: When I output to PowerPoint or PDF, the text is in a different order than I intended. How can I get the text strings to be in the order I intended? Thank you in advance. Original Text: たくさんの質問をさせてくれてありがとうございます。 パワーポイントやPDFに出力すると、意図した順番とは異なるテキスト順になってしまいます。 自分が考えた通りの順番に文字列が揃うにはどうしたらよいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
Why are symbols displaying instead of text?
Hi I just recently noticed that there are symbols displaying in the interface that make it difficult to navigate. I thought it was a translation issue in my browser but can't seem to figure out how to adjust to English. Attached is a screenshot. Is anyone experiencing this? Is there a fix or just a bug w/ me?
Tips for getting started with MindMeister?
Is There a Maximum Number of Topics Per Mind Map?