How can I change the font of my Mind Map theme?
I'm using the Blackboard theme and it defaults to an italic font (3rd font in the row of 4). I change the central item to a normal font (1st font in the row of 4), howere anything added to that central item is created in the original italic font. How can I change the font of ALL items that are created so they are…
Why have all the nodes piled up in my map? (old editor)
My nodes are in a pile that I cannot unparse without individually Disconnecting them. Is there another solution? Is the New Editor still not working? That is the message I received.
Is there a way to merge topics into one?
Is there a way to merge topics into one and continue to build thereafter like shown below??? Connectors are just not doing the job because it makes the lineage to messy, and dont want to have to use a flowchart software to build mindmaps. Thanks!
Issue with MeisterTask Outlook add-in on Microsoft Surface
I have a Microsoft Surface 7 and have the plugin enabled in Outlook. It works fine with the mouse. but when i attempt to use touch screen e.g. update the subject line or click to add a task nothing happens. as if the plugin is not accepting touch as an input mechanism.
Why can't I add a new map?
When I go to the icon with the plus sign I want to begin a new map. Clicking on the icon brings up the "upgrade now". Selecting "maybe later" makes the promo go away but I'm stuck in the cycle, not being able to access a new map.
Why does only one node resize when I've selected them all?
When I select multiple nodes they all have their resize handles shown, so I expect when I resize one they will all resize - either snapping to a common width or resizing by the same distance e.g. 250px + n, 320px + n But instead only one of the selected resizes: What do you expect?
Why can't I pay to update my version?
Hi Guys I have problems updating my version to pro. All my card is with errors in the meister site, I already talked with my bank and all cards is good n working Did have the contact of support?
Texto no Mapa Mental
Boa tarde! Estou criando um mapa metal (Organograma), porém ao digital as palavras dentro do filtro ela mudando o texto por conta ou deixa apenas parte da palavra. Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.
Why can't I edit multiple connectors?
Given we can't yet customise themes or paste styles onto connectors I was hoping I could edit multiple connectors. It lets me select multiple connectors using the CTRL key as evidenced by the selection balls at the end of each line, but only modifies the last selected.
Is there a bug with expanding text boxes?
When I create a new text node with multiple lines of text, when I go to expand it by dragging the handle it suddenly shrinks in width and goes really tall. The more text in the box the more severe the width to height ratio, so this example is pretty bad. This is in Edge.
What's the difference between Split into topics v Split into tree?
I don't understand the difference they seem to do the same thing? And I only get the two options when there's a blank line between them otherwise it only offers to split into topics.
Why there is no option for a fixed date in automation?
What am I doing wrong when importing RTF?
Hey y'all I just bought the Pro Version of MindMeister to use it to create awesome Quests for a game im working on with friends. The Problem is, that i wanted to import our already exisiting quests into Mindmeister to work on them further. The formatting fits the format shown in the faq article: But, when i import it into…
How to force alignment of subtopics to the right of main topic in Mind Map mode (in web browser)?
Hi there. Is there a way to force all subtopics to be to the right of the main topic in Mind Map mode? I found this help article for doing it on the Mobile App, but that doesn't help me, as I only use the web browser interface. Any suggestions? Thank you!
How do I stop my mind map from being scrambled when I return to it?
When I return back to the mind map some of the elements are scrambled and completely in the wrong area. How do I stop this from happening?
Is a map's shareable link read only or write as default? + other questions
Hi - I want to share online course outlines and notes with students via a standard map that they can then make their own. I see several strategies, but don't know if they are possible in practice: Share a map manually to each student as read-only: Too much admin. Copy each mind map to each student - many many maps and much…
Is the old editor still available?
The New Editor is a lot more work for my purposes (annotating student maps for a college class). The Old Editor is in almost every way preferable for my workflow. Is that previous editor interface still available somehow? I have the "default to new editor" preference unchecked, but that doesn't do anything at this point.…
How do I rename a Map?
I'm finding it very hard to navigate a set of maps, as I cannot give a specific name to the map. i.e. I am scenario modelling Org Charts. All 3 have the same name, as the CEO is the same in all the charts, so navigating to the right one is hard.
Is there email support available for paid accounts?
Hey, guys I was under impression that there is an email support available for paid accounts, however, it seems that the only option available to me is to ask a community. Am I missing something? Are there ways to submit a bug report via email? Thanks in advance
Why can't I switch from Personal to Edu Personal without MindMeister crashing?
Hi! My personal plan expired yesterday. Mindmeister offered me a 50% on the Personal plan, but the Edu version is still cheaper. I'm trying to switch to the Edu version (I have been an Edu customer already, I'm registered with my University email), but every time I try to switch from Personal to Edu Personal and I click to…
Why can´t I see the outline mode on the mobile Android app?
I can work it ok on the desktop version on my PC, but can't find that option in my mobile app.
Why does something go wrong when I try to create a map from a map?
I'm trying to take part of my mindmap to make it into a 'sub-map' because my main map has become too large. When I try to do this by clicking 'Create as Map' from the bubble I want to make into a sub-map it comes up with the following error message "Something went wrong while converting your map. Please try again." I have…
Is it possible to create relationships between more than one topic?
I'm having difficulties relating several topics into just one as shown in the attachment below
Is there a bug with line colours?
It may be intended functionality but when I try to change the colour of lines often I am ignored. This seems to happen more with the Paste Style command as well as changing the colour of lines for a central or floating topic. Central nodes seem to prefer reverting to random rainbow coloured lines. I'll often end up with…
How can I contact customer support?
Is anyone else not able to connect with a customer support agent? My mindmap software doesn't show the same ability to connect with customer support as whats shown online. I don't see a number to call, a place to chat or where to write an email to reach someone from this company I need customer support asap!! Is anyone…
How do I give access to a folder to the team?
Placed maps in a folder for organization however I am the only member. How to I give access to folder to the team
Sobre a renovação automática
Percebi que o aplicativo tem uma renovação a cada 6 meses e ela é automática, gostaria de saber como faço para estar colocando essa renovação automática de forma manual para que ao final dos 6 meses eu mesmo possa estar escolhendo fazer a renovação de forma manual
I am unable to change the password to my account, how can I resolve this?
We are currently on a free account and I receive an error message when I try updating my password.
Dúvida sobre palavras em Negrito
Como faço para deixar somente uma palavra em específico em negrito?
Why have my payment details and projects gone?
Hello, It has been long time since I try to receive answers from Mindmeister. I have a paid mindmeister account (Personal), but all payment informations are gone for some months already! I sent emails, but they don't answer. And worst of all... my projects are gone. I need support ASAP to resolve this question and have my…