How can I type 8) without it becoming an emoji?
Eu digito "8)" no meu mapa do tipo lista e ele retorna 😎 e eu não consigo desfazer. English: I'm typing " 8) " on my map, as a topic, and it's returning an emote ( 😎 ) and I can't undo it.
Unexpected order in Presentation Mode
Hello, When I start a presentation mode and navigate with arrows keys, at certain point the screen just go to a wrong part of the mindmap and get lost…
Why isn't sharing working?
Hello! I can't share maps through my account. It keeps processing, processing and never comes out of it. I've tried it in several different browsers, in anonymous tabs, but it doesn't work. It seems to be a problem with my specific account, as logging in with another account works. Has anyone ever experienced this? Another…
[RESOLVED] Unable to create mind map after sign up: 500 Error
Hi, I just signed up and I'm trying to create a mind map (I used MindMeister in the past with a different account). When I click the "+" button and choose the mind map layout, the screen hangs on "Creating map from template…" for a long time and then fails. Looking at the network traffic I can see a 500 error in the API…
Bug when duplicating a mindmap
Hey! Each time I duplicate a mindmap, the order of the branch messed up. It's really PAINFUL. Moreover, for the price we paid, it's EVEN MORE PAINFUL to ask a community (love you guys but you get my point) than a real support :/. Thanks for your help. Best!
How to print Mindmeister map with notes?
I want to print the map, along with all the notes I have written on one sheet if possible.
I am having trouble to move my nodes
Hi, I am using web version, and I noticed that I can't move around my nodes. even I turned off "auto-align", I noticed that few people having same problem, is there any updates on this matter?
Why did all my mindmap suddenly disappear?
Is there any way I can restore it? This is the exam information that I compiled all day long, but I can't afford to be a member and there is no way to restore the previous settings. I'm going to despair
MindMap nicht mehr bearbeitbar
Wenn ich auf die MindMap klicke um sie zu öffnen (so wie bei allen anderen), dann kommt diese Meldung: Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed. Aber wenn ich auf die 3 Punkte klicke und dann open, dann öffnet sich die Mind Map. Leider kann ich sie dann aber nicht bearbeiten.
How can I change the "admin" of one mind map?
I need to delete my previous email account where my mind maps are storage, do you have any solutions to transport or put this new account as admin?
Looking for ways that I can download file that can be adaptable to page format
I downloaded my map and I tried to print in A2 format page however the size of font is too small and I also cant read it even with the most bigger format page A0. How can adapt the size of the font to be readable in a print format. I prepared all of my mental model to study and in the end of the day the tool not allow me…
Can I make "align" the default?
I use ALIGN all the time. Before switching to another interface, I was wondering whether ALIGN can be changed to default.
How can I adjust the right-alignment of a Mind Map by default?
Buonasera, è la prima volta che creo una mappa mentale in assoluto. ne ho creata una con 4 rami ma si sviluppa tutta a destra del foglio. come faccio a far in modo che si sviluppi sull'intero foglio? Good evening, this is my first time ever creating a mind map. i have created one with 4 branches but it all develops on the…
ajuda/ problemas com pagamento
a cobrança foi feita no inicio do mes de outubro no meu cartão agora esta parecendo no meu mindmister que eu devo contratar novamente o serviço. O que devo fazer?
Embed content not working - Mindmeister
Hello, I can't use the HTML code proposed by Mindmeister to integrate it on my site. We use Drupal version 7. It says: "Your browser cannot display images. Please visit ..." I've changed my browser and updated it, but it doesn't work. Do you have any information on how to change the integration code? Thanks in advance and…
Is Mindmeister compatible with Dragon Professional Software?
Although I've used Mindmeister successfully in the past, the support team told me that Mindmeister no longer works with Dragon Premium 13. I have to use a voice dictation software because my arms are paralysed and wondered if Mindmeister is compatible with Dragon Professional 16.
Why doesn't my brand logo show in PDF, PPT exports or presentation mode?
Hi, I'm new here and happy to have a possibility to solve little mindmeister problems with the help of this communitiy. I tried to brand my mindmeister mind maps. I have a pro-licence. In my team-settings, the logo is already uploaded and saved, but it is not used/showned in my pdf, ppt exports or in the mindmap…
New editor: Images exported from Slide show aren't rendering.
I have converted a presentation from the old editor to the new editor, and unfortunately now when I export the slides as a PDF (or as just images), most of the images aren't rendering (see attachment). This didn't happen with the prior editor, and the images render fine in the mindmap itself: .
Where do "removed or moved" maps go?
Hiya, I had created a map for my University studies, and hadn't saved it yet as I was going back and forth with it and adding more research in when I had cleared cookies and history to clean space on computer. I tried to log back in, and it's telling me that my map has been moved or removed, however I can't seem to find it…
Why can't I move a node in web version, new UI?
Amazed I cannot do this. It works fine on my iPad app, but not the web. I am using MindMap layout style, after upgrade from old UI format.
MeisterNote - Lightmode. Was there an update made here?
Just fyi that the light mode has switched to dark mode. Was there an update made here?
¿ Midmeister me borra las palabras y las cambia como puedo solucionar esta situación?
Cordial saludo, solicito ayuda de ustedes para poder dar solución a esta situación
How to export to powerpoint in more logical order?
I have a very complicated mindmap I would like to export to powerpoint in an order that makes sense — i.e., with child ideas following the main idea they are related to. But when I use the function something else happens: the slides go through level one ideas, then level two ideas, then level three ideas, creating a deck…
[CURRENT BUG] Unable to move nodes on IOS
I use Mind Meister on the Mac and on both of my IOS devises (iPad and iPhone). It worked all fine until about 2 weeks ago, and then the IOS devises just stopped any ability to move nodes around, etc etc Everything works fine with moving and re arranging nodes on the web version on my Mac, but all movements are locked and I…
Handwriting Recognition (OCR?)
Does this app allow for handwriting recognition? I would like to us mind mapping on something like a Boox (Android based) or a Kindle Scribe & be able to do all of this with a "pen." Is this possible with any subscription plan for this product? Thanks, D
[RESOLVED] Error when adding emojis and icons
Olá! Não estou conseguindo adicionar nenhum tipo de icone ou emoji aos meus mapas. Aparece um erro e atualiza a página, reiniciando automaticamente.
Why can't I collapse or expand topics?
Hi My mind maps collapse open topic stopped working, people can only see where I stopped working, they can't open or close any topics. Also can't move the mindmap around on the screen. Was working fine up to a few weeks back, today I checked and all just stopped.
[CURRENT BUG] Problème de connexion entre les sujets/ Lines between topics not appearing correctly
Bonjour, j'ai un problème entre les connexions différents sujets, le lien ne se fait pas correctement. J'ai beau les remettre en place à chaque actualisation de la page, ça recommence, une solution ?
[CURRENT BUG] Broken map layout
This discussion was created from comments split from: [RESOLVED] Export to PDF with problem.
[RESOLVED] Strange white spacing issue
Meus mapas estão ficando com problema de espaçamento. Toda a vez que abre e fecha o mapa fica cada vez maior o espaço. Está muito ruim de trabalhar. Exemplo abaixo.