How to export midmaps with photos?
It's a pretty direct question. How to export the mindmap with the media attachments?
Speakers Wanted for Mind Mapping events!
Hi everyone! We have an exciting 6 months of virtual mind mapping events planned at Biggerplate, and have a few speaking slots still available for some events. If you're interested to share your mind mapping experience and insights, then I'd love to hear from you! Our events/topics are as follows: 19 Jan: Strategic…
is there a way to add a hover feature to show the entire URL when I've added a link?
is there a way to add a hover feature to show the entire URL? only a certain number of characters are visible (see attached) what about allowing editing of a URL? currently the only options are to open or remove it.
I can't edit my map because 'value is invalid'. How can I proceed?
Hi, everyone. I have a free plan and of my three maps presents the message "value is invalid" every time I try make some change there. How can I solve this problem? Thank you so much!
What to do when getting 3D Secure Authentication problem while making payment?
Hi Team Am having a mjor concern and it is very urgent and high important. Inspite of using all Cards (6 cards used), payment is not going through, always says 3D Secure Authentication problem, please try again. Had sent email to your support 4 days back, Have also raised a request using the ticket, now joined this…
kann man in der Suche Platzhalter verwenden, wie üblich * ?
I live in Brazil, are there prices related to this country?
I live in Brazil, are there prices related to this country? I ask because with the wages in this country, the price becomes disproportionate. Can you help me? Also, to know if the developers are thinking about it as well? Thank you very much.
Why can't I move/ scroll around on my mind map on my iPad?
I have no problem moving around on the desktop but on my iPad I can moving/scroll around on my mind map. HELP
Can I recover my closed account?
Hello, I would like to recover a mindmeister account (Mindmeister Pro plan) that is currently closed. My account was a member of a team whose subscription has just expired and which will not be extending its subscription. Is it possible to recover this account and create a new subscription in my name? I'm afraid I've lost…
Como hago para utilizar el antiguo editor en el celular?
Hola, quiero saber como volver a usar el editor anterior, el nuevo editor no cumple con el uso que sabia darle. Ejemplo antes con un clic podia editar y copiar el contenido con un clic y ademas se me copiaba el formato del texto y me gustaba los temas de antes. La otra consulta es, en el celular el texto me sale alineado…
How to paste a YouTube link without showing preview?
When i paste youtube links, it shows a video preview. Is there a setting where i can have it not show that so i just see a little link icon instead of preview or the long link?
Why have I suddenly lost the ability to edit a map?
Lost Edit access. I am administrator of a map. Have suddenly lost the ability to edit the map. Other maps can be edited, but not this specific one.
Can you share a folder (i.e., multiple MindMaps) with others?
The folder view implies that folders can have members, but I cannot figure out how to invite members to a folder...
[RESOLVED] Why can't I edit my map?
How to restore topics lost in loading mode?
I was rearranging some topics and I wasn't happy with the results so I started undoing the last few (say 10-20) actions. All of a sudden, the app went into loading mode (round icon in the center of the screen) and never reloaded the page. After a while I refreshed the page and all the topics after a certain point…
[RESOLVED] Why is my map suddenly in view-only? I'm admin and can't edit
Why do I get a white screen when linking to a map in Teams?
I am using the basic version of MindMeister, and when I try to link a map created on the web to Teams, the map appears for a moment, but then hides (screen goes white). Please let me know if there is a solution to this problem.
How can I resolve my formatting issues?
Hi guys, When I format text (say, bold type for instance) in MindMiester then export to WORD, the text in WORD comes out showing the format code (** on both sides) instead of actually showing the text in bold? Second question, when I type notes and seperate them by shift-return, why do they come out in the WORD doc without…
What are future plans of extending API V2 to match or surpass functionality provided with API V1?
Hello everyone. I just arrived, and am trying to get around. The question blow interests me the most currently. Maybe someone can shed light on this matter. Thanks. I just discovered mindmaster and am interested in integrating my mind maps within my own infrastructure. API V1 provides a broad selection of methods, that…
Is there a way to cut a piece out of my giant map and into its own new map?
Is there a way to cut a piece out of my giant map and into its own new map? Likewise, is there a way to bring 2 maps together?
When will the new presentation mode be active on my account?
I can't activate the presentation mode. It's not showing up.
Präsentationsmodus - wie komme ich eine Ebene tiefer?
Hallo Zusammen, wie ich gesehen habe, gibt es nun wieder den schönen Präsentationsmodus. Wie aber kann ich im Präsentationsmodus einen Unterzweig öffnen lassen. Oder funktioniert diese nur auf Zweig Level 1 aktuell? Das wäre natürlich sehr schade. Vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp oder Kurzbefehl, da ich es noch nicht…
Acesso aos mapas enteriores ao cancelamento de assinatura
Eu tinha uma assinatura feita em 2022, porém o número do meu cartão de crédito foi modificado e não houve renovação automática. Refiz a assinatura agora em 2023, porém os mapas anteriores que eu havia feito não estão acessíveis. Como conseguir acessar esses mapas mentais?
I've forgotten my password and don't have access to an old email. How do I log in?
I had an old mindmeister account with load of very important maps in. I've lost the pwd. But this email address doesn't exist any more, so I can't reset my pwd, login etc. Any ideas how I can get into that old account? Many thanks!
How can I combine two separate mind maps?
Hello - I have created two mindmaps - one main and one for a side project - and would like to make the side project a collapsible topic in the main mindmap (rather than just a link). I have hunted high and low & am now on my 8th cup of tea so am cross-eyed with confusion. Thank you
Why do I get an error when adding a link to a topic?
Im trying to add a link to a topic but whenever i enter it, it just brings me to an error in the mindmeister website, also im not able to remove the link in the topic as the reasource is unavaliable?
Why can't I change my mail address?
I go to the menu, change my mail, the letter goes to a new mail, I click on the link - go, I get an error, I've already been testing for a month, always the same error
Why can't we add an additional user to our Business team?
Hi, My colleague's personal one was expired. Our boss had bought the Business' version for our company already. But the colleague couldn't be added into Business' version. How could we do? Could you help me? Please check the pics. thank you. Payton Ou.
Why can't I download my mind map on my PC free?
Anybody use MindMeister for teaching?
This is just an opening question, How many of this community use Mindmeister for teaching in their Universities ?