How to restore topics lost in loading mode?
I was rearranging some topics and I wasn't happy with the results so I started undoing the last few (say 10-20) actions. All of a sudden, the app went into loading mode (round icon in the center of the screen) and never reloaded the page. After a while I refreshed the page and all the topics after a certain point…
[RESOLVED] Why is my map suddenly in view-only? I'm admin and can't edit
Why do I get a white screen when linking to a map in Teams?
I am using the basic version of MindMeister, and when I try to link a map created on the web to Teams, the map appears for a moment, but then hides (screen goes white). Please let me know if there is a solution to this problem.
How can I resolve my formatting issues?
Hi guys, When I format text (say, bold type for instance) in MindMiester then export to WORD, the text in WORD comes out showing the format code (** on both sides) instead of actually showing the text in bold? Second question, when I type notes and seperate them by shift-return, why do they come out in the WORD doc without…
What are future plans of extending API V2 to match or surpass functionality provided with API V1?
Hello everyone. I just arrived, and am trying to get around. The question blow interests me the most currently. Maybe someone can shed light on this matter. Thanks. I just discovered mindmaster and am interested in integrating my mind maps within my own infrastructure. API V1 provides a broad selection of methods, that…
Is there a way to cut a piece out of my giant map and into its own new map?
Is there a way to cut a piece out of my giant map and into its own new map? Likewise, is there a way to bring 2 maps together?
When will the new presentation mode be active on my account?
I can't activate the presentation mode. It's not showing up.
Präsentationsmodus - wie komme ich eine Ebene tiefer?
Hallo Zusammen, wie ich gesehen habe, gibt es nun wieder den schönen Präsentationsmodus. Wie aber kann ich im Präsentationsmodus einen Unterzweig öffnen lassen. Oder funktioniert diese nur auf Zweig Level 1 aktuell? Das wäre natürlich sehr schade. Vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp oder Kurzbefehl, da ich es noch nicht…
Acesso aos mapas enteriores ao cancelamento de assinatura
Eu tinha uma assinatura feita em 2022, porém o número do meu cartão de crédito foi modificado e não houve renovação automática. Refiz a assinatura agora em 2023, porém os mapas anteriores que eu havia feito não estão acessíveis. Como conseguir acessar esses mapas mentais?
I've forgotten my password and don't have access to an old email. How do I log in?
I had an old mindmeister account with load of very important maps in. I've lost the pwd. But this email address doesn't exist any more, so I can't reset my pwd, login etc. Any ideas how I can get into that old account? Many thanks!
How can I combine two separate mind maps?
Hello - I have created two mindmaps - one main and one for a side project - and would like to make the side project a collapsible topic in the main mindmap (rather than just a link). I have hunted high and low & am now on my 8th cup of tea so am cross-eyed with confusion. Thank you
Why do I get an error when adding a link to a topic?
Im trying to add a link to a topic but whenever i enter it, it just brings me to an error in the mindmeister website, also im not able to remove the link in the topic as the reasource is unavaliable?
Why can't I change my mail address?
I go to the menu, change my mail, the letter goes to a new mail, I click on the link - go, I get an error, I've already been testing for a month, always the same error
Why can't we add an additional user to our Business team?
Hi, My colleague's personal one was expired. Our boss had bought the Business' version for our company already. But the colleague couldn't be added into Business' version. How could we do? Could you help me? Please check the pics. thank you. Payton Ou.
Why can't I download my mind map on my PC free?
Anybody use MindMeister for teaching?
This is just an opening question, How many of this community use Mindmeister for teaching in their Universities ?
How can I integrate a MindMap into Sharepoint Online?
How can I integrate a MindMap into Sharepoint Online, no export.
When I type in the text box, the cursor jumps and I can't type, can you help?
Amigos, tudo bem? Quando eu vou digitar o texto ou uma frase na caixa de texto o cursor fica pulando e nao consigo digitar, tem como corrigeir esse erro? Por hora é isso, Obrigado!
I forgot a step. How can I add it now?
This is probably an easy to answer issue: I created a workflow and I suddenly realized I need to add one child in the middle of my map. How can I do that?
Why did my mind map not save?
Hello, Yesterday I discovered Mind Meister and I spent half the day making a mind map, the tab was open the entire day and so there would have been plenty of time for the system to automatically save as stated on the About Page. However when I open the map again today an earlier version is only saved and I lost hours of…
How to export a map to Google Drive?
How to export a map to Google Drive?
Não consigo renovar minha assinatura apenas para meu usuário, na tela fica cadastrado dois usuários
Quero renovar só minha licença, não duas ja aconteceu isso ano passado e por falta de tempo acabei renovando duas licenças sem usar.
Why is the first character always not in Japanese and others are?
I'm trying to enter text in Mindmeister, but the first character is always not in Japanese. I don't know where to start to make inquiries. What should I do? マインドマイスターで文字の入力をしていますが必ず最初の文字は日本語になりません。 問い合わせもどこからすればいいかわからないです どうすればいいでしょうか?
Where do i find the vote counting capabilities?
My react panel is very different to the one shown in the videos
Commentaire - aller à la ligne
Bonjour, J'ai commencer à ajouter des commentaires sur une Map mais je rencontre une difficulté pour mettre en forme le texte de certains d'entre eux. Pour faciliter la lecture du commentaire je voudrai ajouter des puces pour bien séparer les idées entre elles. En utilisant un tiret devant la première idée, une première…
Has the magic wand feature been removed from Mindmeister?
Hi. I have been using Mindmeister for quite a long time. However for the last 1 year, my usage had got down. I want to kickstart the usage again for my competitive exam preparation. But I am noticing that magic wand feature which used to be there for getting image and text from internet is currently missing. Anyone have…
How to create a two-way link between maps?
Hi, sorry probably a basic quiestion, but I can't find any documentaiton on creating a two-way link from a topic on one map to another pre-existing map. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 🙏
Can you hide the + and ... icons on a topic?
『+』と『・・・』を非表示にすることは可能ですか? Is it possible to hide the "+" and "..."?
Reihenfolge ändert sich immer wieder
Hallo Community, immer wieder muss ich leider feststellen, dass sich die Reihenfolge wie ich eine Mindmap angelegt habe (automatisch angeordnet) beim Neuladen der Seite ändern. Ebenfalls werden manchmal dann auch einfach alle Zweige bei einigen Bereich offen angezeigt. Warum auch immer. Ich verstehe es einfach nicht. Kann…
Are the Mind Maps AODA compliant?
Hello all! Is the mind map tool AODA compliant? The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ( AODA ) is intended to reduce and remove barriers for people with disabilities so that Ontario can become more accessible and inclusive for everyone.