Interrupções constantes na edição de mapas mentais
Utilizo o aplicativo MindMeister na versão PAGA e tenho tido problemas recorrentes. É dada a mensagem "Sua conexão com a internet é instável. Nós vamos habilitar novamente o modo de edição assim que sua conexão se estabilizar novamente" e um campo para "testar minha conexão". Porém essa queda no processamento dos mapas…
Custom color is not working
I have a PRO account, however the custom color is not enabled, so I can't use it. Please someone help me!
Style Theme Background?
How to add color etc to my theme background? The support page has a link, but it does not help?
Hello, I'm a teacher and I want to upgrade basic to Personnal education, but my email doesn't work to apply this price. How can I do ? Thank for your help.
If i make a downgrade temporarily i will loose all maps that i have?
Existe alguma possibilidade, atalho, ou ferramenta para poder recolher todo o mapa de uma única vez, ao invés de ficar fechando um a um?
Какое максимальное количество майнд-карт я могу создать?
Мне известно, что количество тем, которые можно сохранить в одной майнд-карте, составляет 10000. Если я превышу это количество, я потеряю доступ к майнд-карте. Также мне известно, что для лучшей производительности майнд-карты лучше всего поддерживать количество тем менее 500. Вся вышеперечисленная информация касается тем…
Erro ao recuperar versão do arquivo
Eu perdi todo meu mapa do nada, fiz o pagamento do plano básico para recuperar, quando eu clico em voltar versão anterior, simplesmente da erro!!! Não tem suporte para me ajuda.
Moving account to a Team
Hello, I used to have my own paid account which has downgraded to a free Basic account because I didn't pay the renewal. My work sent me an invite to join the work Team. I click on the invite and it says Join Team but then nothing happens. Any help appreciated!
Is restoring version only on the PRO plan?
I cant recive any maps from others
HALLO EVERYONE ! I open a pro account with private e mail recently . I coudnt recive any maps from different persons so I decide to open a basic account with not a private e mail : and works. I can’t find the way to put my email in the pro account I open first .
All my maps are being deleted and support is not responding to me
It's been two weeks since all my maps have been deleted. I have already lost several jobs and on the same day that I detected the error, 08/08, I asked for support and received no response. It's absurd, I use a paid service and I don't see any responsibility towards the customer.
Meu mapa sumiu
Passei 2 semanas criando um mapa mental, com um script incrivel para minha equipe de vendas, ele estava quase completo e do nada desapareceu, foi delatado, não esta na lixeira e nem em lugar nenhum. Muito tempo de trabalho perdido, alguem do suporte pode verificar por favor ? não consegui outra forma de entrar em contato…
Why can I not move top level topics / nodes?
Why can I not move top level topics / nodes? I can move second level topics up and down using cntl arrows, but the first level topics will not move.
Quantos membros da minha equipe podem utilizar a mesma licença para projetos individuais?
My new maps are not saved! I do and redo and the info is lost
This has happened to me before, but closing the website and starting again has solved the problem. But today nothing works! I am extremely disappointed because this bug is recurrent.
Incorrect display of maps on Windows 11
Hello! I used to work with Mindmaster on a MacBook and everything was fine. But yesterday I switched to a computer with Windows 11. And on Windows, in any browser, all my maps are displayed somehow clumsily and ugly. Clumsy font and some topics just hover over the lines. I attached 3 screenshots to the message. In the…
How to open a map with 10000 topics?
Hello! I have exceeded the limit of 10,000 topics in one of my cards. And it no longer opens. I wrote to support but have not received an answer yet. And I urgently need this card for work. Could you please help me?
Login Issue
Once I login it always direct me to the Plans page I can't landing to all my mindmiester page. Anyone face same issue?
Meu mapa mental simplesmente foi pra lixeira sozinho
Não sei se foi um bug do mindmeister, ou sei lá… só sei que passei a madrugada inteira estudando, fiz um mapa mental enorme, e preciso entregar ele para o meu gestor até às 17hs, urgentemente. Não sei o que fazer, pois não tenho a conta premium. Tô desesperado.
Entire section of map disappeared, error message, now work gone. Can it be retrieved?
Entire section of map disappeared, error message, now work gone. Can it be retrieved? Been working on this map for literally years and a large section just completely disappeared, followed by an error message, and then the browser reset. Please help.
The order of the automated Mindmap and Outline are not matching.
The order of the offered automated "Mindmap" order are not matching the "Outline". The Export Order to Word is not matching the either Mindmap or Outline. Any idea how to fix that?
can you export mind map outlines to a pdf, ppt, or a word file?
when converting a mind map to an outline, can you export that outline to a pdf, ppt, or a word file?
ブラウザ版に多くのマイマップがあるのですが、それがアプリ版では同期されず、マイマップが無い状態で困ってます。 原因や解決策をご存知でしょうか? もちろんアカウントは同一の者です。 補足として プランはベーシックプラン。 ここ最近は無料プランにしていましたが、過去に長いこと使っていたペーシックプランに先週から再度契約しました。
Map changes by itself the sequence made by me. How not allowed it to change the sequence without me
I built a certain sequence of cells in the mind map. The map itself began to change the sequence of cells. How to fix it? How to make sure that the cells I created always remain in the sequence I created and so that the map does not change them
Meu Mapa mental SUMIU
não sei o que ouve ao acessar o link tudo que eu escrevi tinha simplesmente sumido, ia usar ele para organizar e ate ia adquirir o pro mas preciso de suporte por favor!!! https://www.mindmeister.com/app/map/3382136882 tudo foi apagado
Какое максимальное количество майнд-карт можно создать?
План Личный. У меня около 2000 карт. А нужно создать еще как минимум столько же. Есть ли у mindmeister ограничения по количеству майнд-карт?
erro ao incluir imagem
fiz o pagamento da versao persoal, mas não habilitou a função para incluir mais do que 02 imagens no meu mapa mental. Você sabe como resolver? Já tentei resertar, limpar cache e nada.
Can I set up display size at presentation mode?
Before its update, letters at presentation could be proper size which wasn't too small or too big. Here's display size of new presentation mode. I know that I can change with size + or - to change size but I'd like to have smaller size at first appearance. Do you have any setting for this problem? or if I upgrade plan, can…
Can't display my maps from the web
Hello everyone, I'm currently unable to access my maps from web browser. Each time, I've got a error message telling me that "An error has occurred. We are very sorry, our team is already aware of the problem and is working on a solution. Please refresh the page." It doesn't work since (at least) yesterday. Everything…