How do we continue collaborating without buying licenses for everyone?
I collabroate with a small group of people using MeisterTask, and have been for years. I've always shied away from teams as it looks complicated, but now it seems I'm going to lose access to some boards in February if I don't do this. From reading the docs, it seems like I won't be able to do it though. Here's our…
¿Quién se anima en participar como speaker en un webinar sobre experiencias con MindMeister?
Hola equipo. Quiero organizar un webinar (o varios) para poder compartir las potencialidades de MindMeister en la comunidad en español. Tengo tiempo que no realizo uno y vaya que son muy potentes. Me pueden escribir por acá y vamos definiendo. Rafa
I'm having trouble saving my mental maps. They're not saving automatically. How can I fix this pleas
Quais as formas de pagamento?
Lá diz que divide de 12 vezes, mas na hora de fazer a compra, não tem essa opção, é a vista ou nada.
Existe alguma forma de recuperar o mapa?
Eu não deletei meus mapas do plano básico e eles desapareceram. Eu preciso deles com urgÊncia, todo meu trabalho para clientes está no mapa. O que aconteceu?
What's your support experience been like?
I sent in a ticket about 12 days ago but I have yet to hear back from the team. I wonder if there are other ways to escalate? But also, curious to know, what's your support experience been like?
Can I upload videos to a mind map?
I'd like to add videos directly to my mind map. Is this possible? I'm not talking about putting a link, but loading it into the mind map. thanks to you
Why does MindMeister crash when I create large-volume mind maps?
When I create large-volume smartcads, the system loads for a long time and crashes. Is this a problem with MindMeister? Or my network?
Reopen map
I have exceeded 10,000 topics on my map. I understand that the only way to reopen the map is to ask the support to split it into smaller ones. I changed my account from basic to personal to get access to priority email, but I cannot find a different e-mail address. how can I reach priority email support?
How to do backup in Google drive like previous version?
Hai guys, I am quite new here. I used to subscribe the previous version which allow backup to Google drive.. May I know if the function is still available? If yes, I need to know how to do that. Thank you in advance guys
How to upgrade my plan with change?
Hello everyone! I would like to Upgrade my plan (Now it's "Personal") to "Pro". How do I do this and get the price difference? When I try to upgrade my plan I see a discount of $37.69, but it's not on my bill. Has anyone had this problem?
Como faz para ter resposta do suporte?
Pessoal, preciso de uma ajuda urgente: Meu plano é pessoal e anual e deveria permanecer assim até jan/25, porém, por algum motivo, me passaram para o básico e não consigo contato com suporte, fiz o questionamento e não tive resposta. Tenho coisas importantes que não consigo acessar e está me prejudicando. Alguém consegue…
printing or copying
I would like to copy the outline of my Mindmeister map, but I don't see a feature for that or for printing the material. Can someone help me in this area?
Is drag'n'drop really the only way to add maps to favorites in web version?
My first post here and I apologize for such a basic question, but I'm a bit dumbfounded by the UX in this case. Is it really the case that I have to drag and drop a map to the Favorites folder in side menu to add it to Favorites? It's a mechanism but it looks to me more like a workaround. I'm using few different web apps…
I worked on a map for hours and all the data got lost as soon as I upgraded my account
I worked on a map for hours and all the data got lost as soon as I upgraded my account. I am so frustrated because I have an exam in 4 days and I spent hours building a map that I can no longer find. Is there a way the technical team can go into my account and find it for me???
Duplicating map unsuccesfull
When trying to duplicate a map I get the message "duplicating unsuccesfull - something went wrong during duplication - please try again". But no matter how long I wait or which map I try to duplicate, I get the samme message. I've tried to report to Mindmeister thorugh support, but no answer received. And on monday I have…
Olá, meu plano pessoa não me permite colocar masi de 2 imagens no meu mind, como resolver? está certo isso?
How to restore a version made up before taking a pro account
I deleted my map by accident. I would like to restore it and for this, I took a pro account. Unfortunatly, now that I paid for the pro account, my previous version is no longer available. What can I do ?
error when recovering my map
error when recovering my map, I've already done all the support tutorials and nothing solves it.
Recuperar mapa excluído
Pessoal, como recupero um mapa que eu excluí? Contratei uma conta paga, mas mesmo assim não há opção de recuperar. Diz na lixeira que é possível recuperar em 30 dias com qualquer conta paga.
Interrupções constantes na edição de mapas mentais
Utilizo o aplicativo MindMeister na versão PAGA e tenho tido problemas recorrentes. É dada a mensagem "Sua conexão com a internet é instável. Nós vamos habilitar novamente o modo de edição assim que sua conexão se estabilizar novamente" e um campo para "testar minha conexão". Porém essa queda no processamento dos mapas…
Custom color is not working
I have a PRO account, however the custom color is not enabled, so I can't use it. Please someone help me!
Style Theme Background?
How to add color etc to my theme background? The support page has a link, but it does not help?
Hello, I'm a teacher and I want to upgrade basic to Personnal education, but my email doesn't work to apply this price. How can I do ? Thank for your help.
If i make a downgrade temporarily i will loose all maps that i have?
Existe alguma possibilidade, atalho, ou ferramenta para poder recolher todo o mapa de uma única vez, ao invés de ficar fechando um a um?
Какое максимальное количество майнд-карт я могу создать?
Мне известно, что количество тем, которые можно сохранить в одной майнд-карте, составляет 10000. Если я превышу это количество, я потеряю доступ к майнд-карте. Также мне известно, что для лучшей производительности майнд-карты лучше всего поддерживать количество тем менее 500. Вся вышеперечисленная информация касается тем…
Erro ao recuperar versão do arquivo
Eu perdi todo meu mapa do nada, fiz o pagamento do plano básico para recuperar, quando eu clico em voltar versão anterior, simplesmente da erro!!! Não tem suporte para me ajuda.
Moving account to a Team
Hello, I used to have my own paid account which has downgraded to a free Basic account because I didn't pay the renewal. My work sent me an invite to join the work Team. I click on the invite and it says Join Team but then nothing happens. Any help appreciated!
Is restoring version only on the PRO plan?