login com conta google
Hoje minha conta esta logada com um conta google , porem eu quero desconectar ela e conectar com outra , porem entro no painel e clico no botao desconectar aquela conta para que eu possa conectar com a outra , mas não desconecta , o que devo fazer ? alguem me ajuda
Maps not saving
My work isn't being saved, I'm very upset... I've already done everything mentioned in the post and it doesn't solve it... I can't solve the problem... I need help!!!!
Maps not saving
I've been using mindmeister for a few months now and it's been 3 times that my backup has not been taken into account after entire evenings of disappointed work. Is there a way to resolve this problem?
Network Error when trying to export
I would recommend trying these things: Restart your computer, then try using MindMeister again. Check your internet connection. If you are experiencing connectivity issues, open a different website to check that you are connected to the internet, or use an online speed test to check your internet connection. Check whether…
Importing data into MM
Is it possible to import a google doc brief into a MM mind map? Sorry if this has been queried before…i couldn't locate the thread…cheers in advance!
I will give up on mindmeister if no one responds.
Really, i commented on this community twice and nobody answered. I pay for the pro plan and i simply can not share my map with my clients. It just never stops loading. Never…. I use this software as a tool for my business, and one simple thing is not even possible. Besides, there is no one i can talk about, no support,…
My mind map disappeared
I spent more than 3 hours developing a mind map that simply disappeared overnight. How can I recover such work? This is not the first time this has happened, and it's becoming quite complicated to work with the concern that the tool will simply erase the work. I await instructions on how to proceed.
Boa tarde, meus mapas mentais salvos na plataforma MindMaster sumiram sozinhos, gostaria de uma ajuda de vocês para recupera-los, temos informações importantes ali.
SWOT analysis template
Hello, I am looking for templates or best practices with regard of using a SWOT analysis in Mindmeister. Please share, many thanks, Hans
Can you link to other nodes in the same map?
Hello, is there a way to link to other nodes in the same map? I find I often has two children in different branches for which I want to link one to another as one may contain lots of descriptive detail which I don't want to repeat. The only options available at present are: 1. The "connection" option, which draws a line…
Questions about the JSON format
https://www.mindmeister.com/developers/embed I have a question about the above URL, what is the JSON format to be described in file[content]?
Formating text - paragraph style
Recently I was creating some maps on my phone and then when I open them on the desktop, the text is all in one sentence rather than adjusting to form a bubble. I'm wondering if there's a way get the text to wrap, similar to in a spreadsheet. I don't want a single long sentence format as it makes my maps huge and hard to…
Link do Youtube não abre na apresentação? Podem me ajudar?
Na existe a opção de reprodução
Eu consigo fazer uma integração com o Notion?
Eu gostaria de integram meu mindmeister ao Notin Seria possivel?
A mind map creator keeps sending me link to get his mind map but never arrives
A mind map author creates a mind map for his listeners at the beginning of every month, but it never arrives to my account. He seems to be using the right email accoun but now I wonder. Here is the email I get to me: I click on either link and this is what I get: It says that it cannot find the linked item. The mind map…
How do I get panning to work on my Surface tablet?
When I use my laptop, I can click on the background with me left mouse button and hold and move the mindmap around (panning).. When I do this with my Surface tablet (press with the pen and hold), I don't have the ability to move the mindmap around which makes it hard to use when working on my Surface tablet. How can I get…
[RESOLVED] Error when trying to restore previous versions
A very important part of my mind map disappeared and I'm trying to search previous versions for it, after duplicating the map. However, every time I go down to older versions, it gives an error that refreshes the page and prevents me from continuing. Do you know how I can resolve this? Thank you very much! A very important…
Does anyone have a call card template I can use?
hi Team, Thank you for the warm welcome. I am very happy to part of the Meister team and I look forward to a productive and enjoyable experience supported by all of you - the global Meister family. Does anyone have a call card template I can use? Much appreciated. Asha
Estou com um problema de funcionalidade!
Não funciona os atalhos e do nada não aprece nem os atalhos da minha tela! toda hora eu tento fazer um mapa e ele começa funcionando e para, não me permiti deletar nada pelo atalho do teclado, ou adicionar uma nova caixa, não me permiti fazer mais nada somente digitação. Gravei um video para demonstrar que não funciona e o…
Where are my maps?
All the mind maps on my platform are gone. My plan, which was personal, is basic. Does anyone know what could have happened?
I am getting the error 'Unknown error creating mind map. Response data:'
// Define your MindMeister API key and secret $api_key = 'xxx'; $api_secret = 'xxx'; // Define the parameters for creating the mind map $params = array( 'method' => 'mindmap.create', 'api_key' => $api_key, 'secret' => $api_secret, 'map_id' => '0', // Set to 0 for a new mind map 'map_title' => 'Test Mind Map', 'nodes' =>…
Alle aktuellen Mindmap - Punkte in Aufgaben bei MeisterTask
Besteht die Möglichkeit alle aktuellen Mind Map Punkte zu markieren in einen Eingangsstapel eines Projekts neu erstellen ?
Is there a way to view all the comments from my mindmap in one place?
I have several comments on various nodes within a mind map. It can be really time consuming to go back and find that one comment I'm looking for… is there a place where I can see all of the comments at once?
how we can update our credit card?
We have recieved new credit card. We are not able to update this card in your system MM. Could you help us?
Apaguei sem querer parte do meu mapa. Como faço para recuperar? a flecha para voltar sumiu
Não abre?
Recebi esse link mas não abre. 🎁 Mapa mental da aula de ontem liberado! ➡ Clique aqui para visualizar: https://mm.tt/app/map/3293514589?t=gXF1G664Ks
Las plantillas de mapas mentales de tony buzan
buenas tardes podrían infórmame si manejan las plantillas de mapas mentales de tony buzan
Maps are losing graphic layout during export in any format.
Good morning, I am experiencing a persistent problem during the export of maps, which lose their original graphic layout and are styled in a way that loses all attributes. The problem occurs in any export format and with any browser. The only way I can export a decent map is by taking a screenshot. Despite having a paid…
Need Help Improving Readability and Layout Flexibility in MindMeister Personal
Hello everyone, I recently upgraded to MindMeister Personal and have been exploring its features. However, I'm encountering a few challenges with the mind maps I've created, and I'd appreciate any advice or tips from the community. Here are the specific issues: Font Size Concerns: Despite selecting the largest available…