Hyperlink hinter Text verstecken
Wie kann ich einen Hyperlink hinter geschriebenem Text verstecken?
bonjour peut on exporter plusieurs cartes pour créer un ficher unique ?
pour consulter un pdf où l'on retrouve toutes les cartes au même endroit
I can't hide the style menu.
I want to hide it, but it keeps appearing on top of the topic, which is inconvenient. How can I hide it?" Let me know if you need any changes!
Estou criando um mapa mental e já elaborei dez macroprocessos. Porém, ao tentar adicionar o décimo primeiro e seus respectivos microprocessos em formato de lista, o sistema não permite. Alguém poderia me ajudar com isso?
Showing private mind map in Atlassian Confluence
Hi, I recently started to play with the Confluence plugin for MindMeister. All I really want to do is either export a mindmap from MindMeister (in mindmeister format) and display it in Confluence — or embed a mindmap from mindmeisters site in a secure way. It seems that the only way to see a MindMeister map in confluence…
BRING NODE LIST FORM BACK!!!! Fellow MM advanced and old users, back me up here!!!
Outrageous change of functionality. Bad user experience. Ruined my maps layout. Frustrated. This usability decision was terrible… without even option to use old version… totally reckless… tech and UX team should be ashamed. This piece of update needs to roll back.
Left Sidebar is Huge
Is there any way to collapse the left side bar? When trying to use this application in half-screen mode, the view of the actual diagram is extremely limited due to the left sidebar. This makes it extremely difficult for me to read and process the diagram without getting distracted for a few reasons: (1) When in half-screen…
ベーシックプランからプロプランに変更しました。 URLを知っていれば誰でも見れるマインドマップを開きましたが、 残念ですがお探しのものを見つけられませんでした。移動したか削除されたかも知れません。と表示されてしまい開くことができません。 すべてのデバイスからログアウトしても改善されませんでした。 いかがすればよろしいでしょうか?
Mindmap upgrade
I am using Personal Mindmap. I would like tot upgrade the mindmeister to a level to add unlimited attachments/pictures to the mindmap. In the app the price is 14.99 € monthly. At the website I saw the price € 10. I have no other option in the app off € 14.99. I use the mindmap for myself, Im not working with a team. How is…
Eliminar el círculo del nodo
Hola, me gustaría poder eliminar el círculo que indica el nodo en los organigramas. ¿Alguien podría ayudarme? Gracias
Mindmap not working with multiple layouts
Dear all, since a few days ago, I am no longer capable of using multiple layouts within the same mindmap. If I create a mindmap using the "hierarchy" layout, I am not able to make a child topic to appear like a "list" layout. On top of that, if I disable "auto-align" for a particular topic, it becomes completely misaligned…
Customize Your Map's Layout
Hi everyone! Since the last update, it is no longer possible to change the layout for individual items. Is this currently a bug or has it simply been forgotten? There are three types of auto-layout in MindMeister: mind map, list and org chart.
Greetings, and help!
Instabilidade no MindMeister
Olá! Não estou conseguindo editar as notas de meus mapas mentais, nenhum deixa editar mais. Alguém sabe me dizer se também enfrenta esta dificuldade?
Erro no mapa, pediu para atualizar a página e apagou todo meu processo
Olá, preciso que resolvam meu problema pois quase finalizando meu mapa mostrou um erro solicitando para atualizar a página e entrar em contato com suporte. Atualizei e perdi todo meu trabalho, agora para recuperar tenho que pagar! Totalmente insatisfeito com a primeira vez usando a plataforma, fiquei horas realizando o…
MindMeisters Most Recent Update
I am wondering if someone can help me with the recent update on mindmeister that took away the ability to have multiple layouts in one project. This change has made it impossible for me and thousands da of my students and clients to complete organization projects as we have been for the last 6 years. This change has a…
Plan changes
Do I See it correctly, that with the new update of plans I (with Edu Personal) can no longer a) add links b) colour code the knots c) export my mind maps? And with that I pay some symbolic, yet increased amount of money starting with October?
I've lost everything
The mind map I spent three hours creating suddenly disappeared without any content. Is this tool prone to such issues? If this is true, I feel greatly inconvenienced by the subscription cost, and I am considering warning my friends about it.
I lost everything
Dear friends. I lost my MindMap I worked on severfal days. I do not have trust in MM anymore. And I used to have paid subscription for so many bussiness years. I would be very grateful if somebody help me and you friend. It looks like this … but it should look like this Could you help please. Regards. Aleš Čerin
Layout and images
You updated the software, it has gotten better. However, it was bad that you limited the two layout configuration options, reducing creativity. It was also bad that you charged for inserting image resources. The price became expensive for Brazilians.
remove the circle indicating the node
Hello, I would like to remove the circle that represents the node.Thank you
Upgrade zu Premium suche Rabattcode
Ich nutze derzeit die Pro Version und suche einen Rabattcode um eventuell auf Premium umzustellen - hat da jemand einen guten Code ?
Link map to Ai?
I am a PhD student and have found Mind Meister very useful in mapping out research ideas. I am wondering if there is a way to link this to an Ai tool that could organize the information into an outline? I am having difficulty in converting all the information on a map into a funnel for a paper. There must be some type of…
Mapa acidentalmente apagado e alteracoes indisponiveis.
Acidentalmente deletei meu mapa inteiro aperta a tecla backspace e alguma outra que esbarrei sem querer. A página atualizou e para minha supresa nao havia a opcao de desfazer a ultima acao e trazer o mapa de volta. um trabalho de 4 dias pra organizar meu tcc perdido em poucos segundos. Por favor, me ajudem :(
Acesso ao plano
Fiz o plano e não consigo fazer mais mapas, continua somente com 3 mapa.
insérer un lien
bonjour avec la nouvelle mise à jour comment fait on pour insérer des liens s'il vous plaît ?
¿Por qué tengo que pagar para poder poner imágenes?
Me gustaría presentar una queja respecto a la funcionalidad de su plataforma. He notado que para poder importar imágenes en mis mapas mentales, se me exige pagar un plan premium. Considero que esta restricción limita la creatividad y la flexibilidad de los usuarios que desean utilizar su herramienta de manera más completa.…
Plans to Integrate AI into Meister Tools?
Dear Meister Community Members, I would like to know if there are any plans to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into Meister's tools, particularly MindMeister. I have noticed that many competing tools are starting to combine mind mapping with AI to enhance the creation of educational content, including image search…
I want to delete my account
I want to delete my account. What should I do? Please tell me how to do it. Thank you and best regards,
Track changes Mindmaster
Hi, is there a log to track changes in Mindmaster maps?