PRO account - concurrent editing from two different computers (two different browsers)
I have the PRO account but don't seem to be able to do the following: have two different computers (two different browsers) open the same MM map and edit at the same time and have the other MM session being updated in a real-time with edits made on the other computer (MM session) Should not this be working for a PRO…
[HELP!!] Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed.
Hi. I receive this message after changing between Mind Map. I didn't delete it. Something happen and I cannot open it anymore. I put in a lot of work in it. Please help.
iOS password
I signed on to MindMeister and also started mapping using the iOS app now I don’t know my us user name or email or password when I go into my account I just have my full name and an appleid email address How do I find the email that I used for account and password?
I can't link tasks to https://www.meistertask.com/
HI. I can't link tasks in https://www.mindmeister.com/ to https://www.meistertask.com/ Everything works from colleagues How to fix it?
Every time I hit the 'f' or 'F' key, MindMeister opens 'Search' function
In the middle of a mindmap node (entry), when I need to use the letter 'f' the search bar opens and cursor is redirected there - painful! Help
How to deactivate the contexte menue?
When clicking on a text field, the context menue covers the text field above the current text field and the main branch. How can I deactivate the context menue?
Is it possible to collapse multiple branches using the iOS app on an iPhone?
I mainly want to use my maps on my iPhone. Everything seems to be working fine but I would like to be able to collapse the map and then open just the branch that I want to work on.
공유에서 편집하기가 안됩니다.
지난주는 공유하기에서 공동작업으로 가능했는데 갑자기 조회하기만 가능하네요. 베이직이라도 공동 작업 가능하지 않나요?
How to add a link in the new version...?
I do not find anywhere I can actually just add a hyperlink to my mind map - that was very easy before. Has it been taken away?
[CURRENT BUG]: "Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for."
I'm trying to click on the map I created, but I can't access it... I get this message all the time: Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed. I had shared the map with a friend, and soon after, I couldn't access it anymore. The map is super important; I really need it for our…
I need some help
I am student and I am creating a mind map I need to upload it to my class but I do not know how can you please help me
Donde puedo abrir mi mapa mental
Where can I open my mind map, I have the basic one so I don't have a big variety to choose and I don't know if there's an espesific app for opening this types of minds maps
qual plano usar ?
quero só baixar alguns mapas mentais de um curso que estou fazendo , então preciso pegar algumas informações que estão dentro do mata mental , por enquanto é só pra esse fim que preciso , o plano pessoal já daria certo ? ou até mesmo no basico eu conseguiria fazer isso ?
maps cannot open anymore...
Many times that i use mind meister it accour that an old map that i continue to use cannot open any more on the website. how can i solve it? on the ipad applicatione this problem there is not. thanks! Stefano
about mind meister If someone has shared a map with me and I move the map in my folder to the trash, will the other person no longer be able to see it?
Ctrl+F not working
Hey guys, After the new release, the Ctrl+F is not working anymore for me which is making me crazy. Is this normal, or a bug?
Why doesn't the Embedding works anymore?
How to Change the Default Style for New Topics
When I select a topic and change the text size or font, the new topic I add afterward still reverts to the default style (medium size, monospace). Is there a way to set a style that applies to all new topics thereafter by default? According to an article (https://mindmeister.jp/help/map-editor), using the vertical toolbar…
フォーカスモードにしてもツールバーが消えません。 どなたか対応法教えて頂きたいです。
バージョンを復元したいのですが、バージョン履歴を開くとマップは出るのですが、いざバージョンを戻そうとするとエラーが出ます。インターネット環境はよく他のマップはしっかり編集もできます。 とても大切な資料ですので、復元したいです。 https://mm.tt/app/map/3323702215?t=iTmNtVyFyw
Confidentiality of documents.And Xmind Transferred issues.
I have two questions The first question is, if I want to make the document public to my colleagues in our company today.But it can only be watched.No editing or copying of this file is allowed.Because this is related to our company's internal education and training, we do not want to disclose it or allow others to copy or…
Is it possible to access without logging in?
I want others to be able to view my mind map by accessing it through a link. However, they are required to sign up and log in. Is there a way for others to view it without having to log in?
How can I restore?
Hello. I have a card that I created on September 13, but for some reason, it wasn’t saved and is now missing. It is very important to me. How can I recover it?
Issue with Information Saving in Your Service
Dear Maister team. I am experiencing a serious issue with your service. Over the past few days, the information I entered into the mind map has not been saved on five separate occasions. These were large amounts of valuable data that I was writing in a stream of consciousness, and their loss is causing me a lot of…
Privacy Account
I have an urgent request to make. They sent me to a project to share, but now that account has taken all my projects and made them public. Why?
Integrations and Tools
Hi, i am missing something, it feels the latest mindmeister has less functionality as before. The integration between meistertask and minister seams to have been scaled back. the only way to find a task is overdue is to individually click on it, before it had the date shown. Also there is no way to order the mindmaps now,…
Mindmap refresh error when editing. Help!
Hi guys, how are you? I'm having a problem with MindMeister editing text, format, layout of my mind map and whenever I try to make any changes, this message appears: "We are very sorry. Our team is aware of the issue and working to resolve it. Please refresh the page." Is this happening to you too? I am not able to contact…
how can I lock some parts of the mind map so others can't edit?
I would like to know how can I lock some parts of the mind map to avoid that a student can delete something
Using Hyperlinks behind Text
How can I use Hyperlinks behind written Text?