Porque o meu mapa Mental não Salvou?
Estou pelo computador e demorei UMA HORA E MEIA pra terminar este mapa mental, dai cliquei em "apresentação" e quanto eu sai da apresentação, todo o conteudo que investi tempo fazendo, sumiu! Voltou do zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Como recupero isso pelo amor de Deus?
トピック数が増えると作動遅くなる? 入力する際の変換不良
こんにちは。 無料アカウントでマインドマップを利用しています。 トピック数が現在1,000個ほどあるのですが、 トピック数が増えると、作動が遅いように感じます。 例)ブランチの開閉・文字入力の反映 一定数を超えると遅くなってしまうのでしょうか? 改善する方法はありますか? また、新しいトピックを作成する際、 必ず「頭文字」が誤変換されます。 例えば、「こんにちは」と入力したいのに 「kおんにちは」と入力されてしまいます。 いちいち削除して入力し直す手間があり、非常に面倒です。 改善していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。
Perdi meu mapa no mindmeister - ele simplesmente sumiu!
Produzi um mapa para apresentar uma aula, a página atualizou e perdi todo o meu trabalho. Não consegui encontrar na lixeira nem em arquivos recentes, nem no histórico de atualizações.
Why Versions history disappear
I'm on a personal account and it says I can retrieve versions up to 7 days, now when I recall a version from the past 24-hrs it only shows the version overview but I can't seem to edit or show details of the map, it disappears once I touch the screen with the mouse. What is this?
Como recuperar um mapa que estava pronto as 07hs da manhã e ao abrir as 11:11 não existia mais.
こんにちは 無料版を利用しています。 突然トピック、アイディア(吹き出し)が消えていることに気が付きました。 2024/7/5 11:30現在 削除した覚えはありません。 2つのアカウントから、同時に入力をしていました。 初期の頃に作成したアイディアが消えている気がします。 アイディア数の上限を超えると、自動的に古いものから削除される というようなルールがあったりしますでしょうか? 共同編集中だとデータが同期せず消えてしまうのでしょうか? ご見解をお待ちしております。
How do I get back a map that's disappeared?
Is there any way of getting back a map? This has happened before. Do I need to get the paid version of the software so this does not happen? I also tried to export it, but it said it went to document outline.rtf and now I can't find it. I am quite frustrated. Any encouragement would be appreciated. Is there a number I can…
My work suddenly wiped out half.
My work has been erased nearly half several times, you guys know how hard it is to regenerate a topic like the previous one. You said that your team is working on it to fix the problem (I'm okay with that) but at least you give your users a tool to restore their works for "FREE". If the problem no longer exists, you can…
My maps disappeared
My maps disappeared, is it because of the new editor? or because there was a downgrade from the PRO plan to BASIC? I have two accounts, one pro and one basic, today they all appeared based on how to recover? What is the channel to talk to mind? I can't find their support channel Thank you in advance for your help. thanks…
помогите восстановить карту!
добрый день, пять часов труда улетели вместе с вашим новым обновлением как теперь сохранять карты, если только на 12 евро можно оплатить? мне нужно восстановить одну карту как это сделать?
Mapa Movido- Removido
Estava trabalhando por horas no meu maps, e do nada, saiu e não achei mais meu trabalho. Não sei se é um bug, sei que já procurei em todos os lugares possíveis. Espero por respostas.
Mindmeister crashing on all my iOS devices after latest update
After the latest update of Mindmeister APP (8.2.18) on iOS on both my iPhone and iPad on latest iOS (17.5.1) , Mindmeister crashes after I start it. When I open the app, it goes to the Home Screen, I get a pink dialog with a progress spinner appears that says "Refreshing Maps", and the then app crashes. I've not been able…
Cant resrore my Mind Maps
Hello. I dont know how it happened, but i saw on app that all my mindmaps doubled. I decided to delete double maps. But all of my maps deleted. I dont even have a "trash" anywhere in my personal account. How can i restore my mindmaps?
Why won't arrow keys allow me to jump vertically between topics in the new editor?
When I try to use the arrow keys to jump vertically between same-level topics in the new editor , using the up or down arrow keys now kicks me into any random subtopic under the topic I'm currently on. This is a huge time waster. Is this standard in the new editor, or a glitch in my account? I
Questions about map sharing
Is there a number I can call to talk to a person about the following items, as I am not sure how to word them via email. These questions are for someone who has a basic plan (free): Sharing and creating a map with external people, and its limits. I would like to have a map that I send to a group of people for them to be…
i cant pay pro subs!
New editor less user friendly than old
I am finally being forced to use the new editor since as of July 2024, I will no longer be able to use the old editor on the app on my mobile devices. I am very disappointed. New versions are generally better than previous ones but not in this case. From a usability/UX standpoint, it takes many more clicks to do anything…
The first character of Japanese is wrong.-日本語入力すると最初の文字がローマ字になってしまう
This is a machine translation of the text. I do not understand English. When I type Japanese, I cannot type the first character properly. Example↓ 「る」→「rう」 「か」→「kあ」 「せ」→「sえ」 Vowels and consonants are separated. It happens in every sentence. Using a computer I am using chrome I asked others, some with the same symptoms,…
Support HELP
I built a project in your service. I shared it with other people, so I started looking for an employee who can do it. I forgot to disable the editing option. These freaks deleted the entire project that I had been doing for 3 days. I live in Russia and cannot pay for your service to return the project. Please give full…
¿puedo hacer pago por pse?
¿puedo hacer pago por pse? no puedo usar los otros pagos que la aplicacón muestra
I lost my map halfway
I was working normally on creating a map and out of nowhere a message appeared about an error they were checking, after which I lost practically my entire map
Does anyone know how to create a task from mind maps
I have signed up for both the mind maps and the task meister, and when I open one of the mind bubbles, there is no option to add a task right from the mind map. I am supposed to be able to add a task right from mind maps and there is nothing when opening a mind bubble where I can click to add a task?
Invite people to the project to work on
Hi all! Currently I am working on Basic plan and need to invite people to work together on one project out of 3 available. Once I send out the invitation link of this particular project and they accept it the become the part of the team and they are capable to review all 3 projects? Is it possible to adjust the access only…
Can't open task in mindmap
Subj. Try already different browser, same thing(
If I remove a member from my team, what would happen to his/her files?
Hi, One of our member resign from our team and I'd like to remove her from the team and give the license seat to another person. What would happen to his/her files (maps) in terms of ownership and access?
[CURRENT BUG] Application does not open the mind map because it's 'not in the correct format'
How to solve this problem when opening the map in the iPhone app? The data could not be read because it is not in the correct format.
I can't add tasks
Inglés I can't add tasks from my mind map, if I was allowed previously
MindMaps generated in French
Does MM generate French mindmaps with AI? It seems I would have to pay to try it out.
What happened to Freemind export?
Hi, We use Mindmeister for designing some trees and mindmaps. We rely on exporting that work into an open format (Freemind) for use in other parts of our workflow. Unfortunately, we noticed today that the Freemind (*.mm) file export option seems to have disappeared. This is somewhat catastrophic for our use of the…
Como fazer uma cópia do mapa mental já existente ?