Is it possible to group items of a sub-theme in Mindmeister?
Is it possible to group items of a subtheme in Mindmeister as shown in the attachment?
Unable to undo after "Server Error" - How to restore?
I had accidentally deleted a handful of subtopics, but before I could undo, a pop-up came up with the message "System Error" and forced me to refresh the page. Is there any way for me to restore this without having to upgrade or retype all of my subtopics?
Redirect to Accounts Page
I am using it for business. Only some people in one department seem to be able to log in, but the account page? but the map is no longer displayed. When I click on "Return to MindMeister" it just shows the same page. I was wondering if anyone has any insight as to whether there is anything I can try? Just to be sure, I…
How to rename a duplicated map?
Made a copy of a Map and want to give it a new name. Please help ?
Is there a way to name each attachment?
Hi, is there a way to name each attachment? Right now, when I hover the mouse pointer over the attachment paper clip icon, it just says "Attachment". It would be more helpful if we could change the name to something other than "Attachment" so that I know what will open if I click the icon. It will greatly help when I do a…
How to make a mind map topic Free/loose?
Resource not found error and lost data
Hi Dear, Can you help me have a look with my account, please? I think i always lost something from my mindmap and cannot find the previous version, received the warning with "Something went wrong" , and recently i cannot do copy and paste for mind map, always show me "Resource not found". can you help me have a look with…
How do I change my email if I lost my domain?
Hello everything is fine? How do I change my email if I lost my domain?
Is there a back up incase map crashes?
Hello, I have a quite important detailed Mindmap. If something ever were to happen to my mindmap on my side, is there any type of back up that mind meister have to retrieve lost work? or another way to keep saving to ensure I won't loose my work. Just looking for clarification as i am nervous this work could possibly get…
I don't have access to the paid version despite paying. Can you help?
comprei o plano mas a plataforma nao identificou o pagamento, descontou do meu cartao e nao atualizou na plataforma, como faco para estornar o valor da compra?
フォルダ内に作ったマインドマップを他のカテゴリーのフォルダに移動したい (How can I move my mind map from one folder to another?)
あるカテゴリーのフォルダ内にてマインドマップを作りました。 これはこのカテゴリーじゃないと思ったので別なカテゴリーのフォルダに移したいです。 具体的な移動手順をおしえてください。
Can you merge three bubbles into one?
Hi, I have three bubbles under a subtopic can I then make those three bubbles lead into one line/bubble. Meaning all three link to my next added one bubble instead of each three having their own. As per below
Why don't I have access to a paid account despite payment going through?
Good day, I paid for MindMeister, and it went off from my bank account, but now I don't have access to the paid Personal version, but it did subtract from my bank account? Please help, I have mindmaps I need to submit by Wednesday
Can you access links/attachments once exported (Pro subscription)?
Hi, I have just purchased a Pro membership. I have been able to export my mind map although once exported i cannot access my link/attachments I made. Can you access link/attachments? Thanks Ari
Cannot log onto MindMeister web
This discussion was created from comments split from: [CURRENT ISSUE] Connection error when logging in via the app (Macbook + Windows).
How to edit connections?
Please read the attached jpg. Thanks.
How can I insert 1 mind map into another?
I created pretty big mind map, and now i realized, that I would like to make mind map bigger, where my previous mind map will be child topic.
Does the new map editor support Apple Magic Keyboard with iOS app?
I am having an issue with keyboard support using an IPad Pro 12.9 latest gen and the Apple Magic Keyboard. Enter key is supposed to create a sibling. When I access the web version, tab and enter work correctly. When I use the iOS app, tab work correctly but Enter key does not do anything. On the old map version, it works…
How do I link "a sibling" to another "sibling" without using the feature of the connect arrow?
Hi, I am new to this software. I am trying to make a basic mind map. My question is; How do I link "a sibling" to another "sibling" without using the feature of the connect arrow. I would to link two sibling bubbles together so I can start my next stream of bubbles underneath them. Is this possible? or is the only link…
Is it possible to make dot points in a bubble?
It doesn't allow me. Is this because MindMeister does not have this as a function? Thanks
Is it possible to embed a Mindmeister mindmap into a Google Doc?
I have linked Mindmeister to my Google account and would love to put my mindmaps into a Google Doc - not just a link - so that I can add tasks across the mindmap/pageless doc. The tasks in my Google docs currently ping through to Sunsama - the one app that is absolutely essential. Not getting along with Meistertask and…
How to duplicate a mind map?
Olá, pessoal! Por favor, como faço para duplicar um mapa mental? Quero manter o atual e fazer alguma
How to proceed after ""Unfortunately, we couldn't find what you were looking for." error?
Intégration wordpress d'une carte Mindmeister en 2023
Bonjour. Comment intégrer dans un article wordpress une carte Mindmeister publique disponible en lecture seul ? Je n'en suis pas l'auteur mais j'ai l'autorisation d'intégration de l'auteur. Merci
Whats the difference between SHARING and PUBLISHING a mind map?
I can see there's an option to SHARE my mindmap and this creates a shareable link. I can also see there's an option to PUBLISH my mindmap which means it's visible on the Internet. Can you explain the difference between these two options please? The outcome I'm wanting to achieve is to share my mindmap with one other person…
Estou com problemas de acessar os mapas (I can't access my maps)
Desde sexta não consigo trabalhar em meus mapas, fala que deu problema na página e pedi para aguardar ou para sair e entrar novamente da página. Sabem me dizer como resolvo isso??? Onde procuro um suporte para me ajudar?
Can i use a shortcut to edit a topic?
Can i use a shortcut to edit a topic? It's a little inefficiente to take my hand from the keybord to edit a topic
[RESOLVED] Embedded Mind Maps are Off Center
This discussion was created from comments split from: [RESOLVED] Overlapping mind map topics .
Error 404 - Page Not Found
Hi everyone, everything fine? I'm having an issue as soon as I log into my main account (where I have Pro subscribed). Instead of opening my maps, I'm taken to a page with a 404 error - Page not found. I've tried clearing the cache, entering another profile, changing the password, and everything is still giving the same…
Mindmeister API object not found
I am trying to insert a new idea into my mindmap. Here is my request. curl --location '<https://www.mindmeister.com/services/rest/oauth2?map_id=2925023339&method=mm.ideas.insert&parent_id=2926361857&title=test> --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_KEY I get the following response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rsp…