Com Dolar acima de R$-6,00 - Poderiam liberar um desconto de Black Friday
Aos gestores da comunidade, esta cada dia mais complicado manter a assinatura do Meister Task para quem vive no Brasil , esperei um cupom de desconto na Black Friday e n"ao tive sucesso, fica meu apelo. Por favor nos ajudem com um desconto. Nesse momemto estou reduzindo membros da minha equipe e buscando uma alternativa…
Hi support! MY MIND HAS AN ERROR I can't edit or change my map location I have already deleted cookies from my browser and everything Call me for the whatsapp: +55(15)99697-9750 Thank you
I have a ERROR
I have 2 works, and one of them works fine, but another one have a issue on the phone. But in my laptop everything is fine
마인드마이스터에서 단축키를 본인이 직접 설정하는 방법은 없나요?
제가 이 생각을 하게 된 계기는 설명란에 특수문자를 쓰는데 오른쪽 쉽프트키를 누른 후 숫자를 누르면 계속 다른 화면이 나와 특수문자를 쓸 수 없기 때문이었습니다. 왼쪽 쉽프트키를 누른 후 숫자를 누르면 정상 작동되지만, 지금껏 오른쪽 쉽프트키를 누른 채 숫자를 눌러 불편하네요. 혹시 이런 단축키들을 본인이 설정하는 방법을 없을까요?
Dashboard updated to new 2024 format... but it's very slow...
Hi all, Just looking for a solution to the new dashboard and its super laggy responsiveness to updates, navigation and workflow. When working in the new format, I noticed that the browser just times out and asks to either wait or leave the page. This has never happened before in the legacy version. Is there possibly a fix…
Export text file - Help me please! Urgent
In my projects, I use it for project documentation and all items are documented in a meeting, which requires exporting as a text file to be included in the Service Order system. We lost this feature. Help!!! I was using the legacy map and the old editor, which allowed this export. I have been using this resource for 10…
Unable to Login via Both Mindmeister and Meistertask App (ios)
I can Login via Web browser But for Application Still cannot login (It shown “Something went wrong here. Please try again) Regards
ios app broken - can't add sibling?
ios app broken - can't add sibling - option (+) not appearing using iOS app - any ideas? iPhone 15 pro iOS 18 freshly downloaded latest version of mind meister for iOS
Focus on single element in Mindmap / drill down
Hi everybody, I use the mindmap to make a collabroation chart of projects/people/institutions. It looks like this: the green and yellow elements are "free items". The mind map will grow in future, so I looking for a funtion, that I can focus on one of the elements and "drill down", so I see only connections, that link to…
Collaboration using public links is broken
Can someone explain in simple terms how I set up collaboration between a personal account user and a free account user so they can collaborate. One time links sent by email only seem to work once. Does that mean I have to send a new email every time I want someone else to edit my mindmap? The public links don't work at all…
Why do your support system is so poor?
3 years straight facing the same billing issue. I am writing this with frustration now after trying pretty much everything to renew my membership on mindmiester associated with email - agrim.moguls@gmail.com I have tried 10+ cards with International payment active, multiple Paypal accounts, and even tried to do it from…
Edit Notes
Hi everyone, when I create a note I can't edit after I send the text. Is it a bug? Thank you.
my mindmap got lost (an error occured)!!!
almsot all of my mindmap got lost, i got the message an erro occured , "(das te,a weiss bescheid) all work form last 4 h is lost, i can not go back to versions as i have the free account, i cannot export a version either, the recent version have all deleted due an mindmapo error Support PLEASE HELP!! how can i get back a…
Can't find my notes
i tried logging into the app and I can't find my note.
Issues with Emojis
Anyone else seeing Emojis not rendering? Looking at the developer console, it appears this URL is being used and is receiving a 502. https://unpkg.com/emoji-datasource-apple@5.0.1/img/apple/sheets-256/64.png
Como conseguir voltar a editar meu mapa???
Por gentileza, estou com um problemao, que pode ser que seja resolvido de forma simples… Acontece que estou tentando editar minhas notas e nao consigo parece estar em modo de leitura… Alguém pode me ajudar?
Why do I get the 'incorrect format' error when opening maps on iPhone 14?
Please help! None of my maps are working on my mobile app. Whenever I try to open a map, I get the error "The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format". I have tried uninstalling the app, rebooting the phone then re-installing, but that didn't work. And yes, my iphone is totally up to date. Hope this…
What does 'mind map isn't in the correct for format' mean (iOS)?
I've just downloaded the app on my iphone (latest version of app) and I'm trying to view any of the Mindmaps I created on my desktop on the app. However I am getting the error message 'the data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.' Why is this? Thanks in advance
Adding numbers to sub subjects
I used the template decision matrix. In the template there are numbers from one to three in the subjects. But I can not find where to add a number in the style that it is in the template. See picture for reference. Copying a previous subject does not work either, because the number stays the same and I can not seem to…
How to add maths equations
Hi, Pls help to add maths equations using latex or any other means in mindmaps
presentation mode: display multiple elements together on a single slide
Hi, I've been using MindMeister for several years and noticed some changes in the presentation mode. Previously, there was a feature that allowed me to group and display multiple elements (siblings and child nodes) together on a single slide. I also could manually order the slides for my presentation, for example,…
マインドマップをコピー使用として、コピーをするを押下してもコピーが生成されません。 知っている限りでは、コピーをするを押下した後、コピー元のマインドマップの名称に1や2などの数字が加わったマップが生成させると認識しています。私のパソコンのせいなのかなんなのかわからず困っています。ちなみにコピーしたいマインドマップは閲覧のみにしていされているマップです。
こんにちは。 閲覧のみのマインドマップを複製したいのですが出来ません。 何度も試していますが、マップ一覧に表示されません。
Google account login
Hello, I logged in with a Google account, but now I want to disconnect that account and log in with a new one, but I can’t. Every time I try to connect with the new account, it automatically logs in with the previous one.
Mapa Mental são salvou
Foi feito e salvo ontem mas hoje quando entrei na conta não estava mais criado, estava vazio completamente.
Olá boa tarde! Fiz o plano PRO mas não estou conseguindo exportar um Mapa Mental.
Olá boa tarde! Fiz o plano PRO mas não estou conseguindo exportar um Mapa Mental em nenhum formato! Esta apresentando erro "Unhandled response status 403". Como resolver?
Cannot duplicate a mind map!!
Hi guys, Hope someone can help me solve this mystery. I used to be able to duplicate a mind map from an "view-only" mind map. However, I cannot see the link to the one that should have been duplicated. Is there something wrong with MInd Meister at the moment, or am I doing something wrong? Please help!!
Estou há meses pagando o plano PRO sem conseguir acessar os recursos. Alguém pode me ajudar?
Can not edit note
Hi, Recently, I can not edit note. anyone on the same page?