How do I print my mind map "Outline"?
Is it possible to print the Outline of the mind map? When I look at the outline on my screen everything is in the correct order but when I export to a pdf of the whole mind map and outline, the outline order is now all over the place. Thanks in advance for the help.
Moving cells in org chart
I am trying to change the order of subtopics in the organizational chart template and I am unable to do so. This shouldn't be so difficult
Resize and remove YouTube videos
After the update, I can't change the size of Youtube videos displayed in the mindmap and I can't delete videos. Any ideas on how to do this in the new editor? Thanks in advance!
Meu mind map sumiu do nada
Bom dia pessoal, meu projeto sumiu do nada, procurei na lixeira e não encontrei. O que devo fazer?
Please participate in the 2024 Mind Mapping Tool Trends Survey
For over 15 years, I've been surveying the global mind mapping community about its use of mind mapping tools via my Mind Mapping Software Blog (now Visual Velocity). During that time, we've learned much about the biggest benefits people get from it in business, its impacts on productivity and creativity and much more. It's…
NEW Feature "Team Maps" - what does this do?
I don't get this functionality… can please someone explain it to me. When i click on it, i am asked to invite team members and i get redirected to my team directory…
How to change the map-list background to pure black (RGB = 0,0,0)?
How can I get a pure black (RGB = 0,0,0) background for my map-list? The available themes offer white and charcoal backgrounds I need to insert the resultant image into a PowerPoint where all slide backgrounds are black.
How to use my map offline?
I need to have a backup map off line should I not have connectivity while presenting it. How is this done please? I have tried exporting but it isn't Live. I can't open my 'child' and sibling. If have tried .pdf and powerpoint, but I want to keep the mind map format.
"Option to export: do not include the entire map, just a part of it."
Unhandled response status 403
I'm having problems exporting to PDF, my plan is PRO, I need help.
Turn off keyboard shortcut
How to turn off keyboard shortcut ?
Blue square icon that fills in when clicked until you get a checkmark
I am being drug, kicking and screaming, to the new editor. I use most of my maps as checklists for differing legal scenarios. On almost every node, I include one of the blue box icons that fills in each quarter of the box as it is clicked, until with 4 clicks you get a check mark. I cannot find that this or something…
I am using the free version. When I deleted a section to renew and explore a different option, it did not allow me to undo it as would usually available it was greyed out/unsuable. Now, I feel forced to upgrade to restore the previous version. I'm exploring this for my school to get a but being annoyed and losing my work…
Long delays in updating
My maps are in waiting mode after adding a new information. It is as if I am on a bad network connection but this is happening on multiple computers and multiple networks when I am working on the same map. It is almost unusable and I have never had such issues before with Mindmeister before. Is anyone else having the same…
Blank mind map
Hello, I'm having trouble because my mind map is empty—all the information has disappeared, and there's a bug when I click on "version," as I can't access the previous versions. Thanks for your help ! Emilie
t is undefined
Please give me a solution if we can't type /etc/shadow, /etc/passwd, etc. In this platform.
Paguei pelo premium só para exportar em PDF e não estou conseguindo.
Paguei pelo premium só para exportar em PDF e não estou conseguindo, está dando erro.
Topic to map
how can I change a topic in one mind map to become the start of a new line map? I want to do this on the iPhone app
[RESOLVED] I can't export my maps
I'm getting a generic message when exporting my map. How can I solve that?
Export MindManager doesn`t work
When I make a export in Mindmanager format and open it in MindManager Original software, MindManager shut down. There ist no possibility, to open these exported mmap-file in MindManager. Something goes wrong in the export functionality. I use MAC OS current version.
How do I get a previous saved version of my map?
I accidentally deleted my map and the version history won't work. Can someone please help.
Olá. Meu Mapa Sumiu e não fui eu que deletei.
Olá. Estou com problema considerável, pois meu último mapa criado (e minha melhor ideia até aqui) simplesmente sumiu e não consigo restaurar sua versão anterior. Afirmo que é um problema na ferramenta, pois qualquer alteração feita o mapa volta para o estado de "zero" com o tópico "Meu novo mapa mental". Espero que o…
Mindmeister support n'existe pas
Bonjour ça fait 6 semaines que j'essaye de contacter le support, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ?
Realizei o pagamento mas ainda não consigo acessar meusmapas (Paid but can't access maps)
Fiz o pagamento do plano mas ainda não libereu meu acesso no plano pessoal. como proceder?
How do I get the previous version to work?
Hi! Yesterday I used Mindmeister to make a mindmap. It was not a lot of work but there were a LOT of good thoughts in there. I closed the mindmap once before and got to work on it later without a problem. I checked previous versions, and there was a timetable which I could click. Imagine my surprise, when I gotten a paid…
Shortcuts do not work
Before, pressing enter would create a new branch, and pressing the tab key would create a child topic, but now? Even if I press enter, it doesn't respond, and the shift menu bar just keeps appearing, so the shortcuts don't work at all. What should I do?
Changement de couleurs lors de l'export en PDF
Bonjour, Lorsque j'exporte en PDF, les couleurs de mes mindmaps changent. Pouvez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème ? Merci,
Where is the option to attach a link?
Hello. The platform has changed a little. In the tool bar, i have the option ATTACHMENTS, but i cannot find the place to attach the link . it is only written ATTACH FILES or UPGRADE