Changing My Password
Hello, I have just opened my account but it wont let me log into the app on my phone as it says my password is incorrect. I have requested a link to reset my password but it keeps asking for the old one which i have either got wrong or it is not accepting. Please help. And thank you in Advance
Erro ao compartilhar pdf para gerar nova tarefa
Boa tarde, a funcionalidade do IOS para compartilhar arquivo e gerar nova tarefa não esta funcionando, a tela fica travada e não da sequência em gerar a nova tarefa, esta acontecendo com mais alguem?
Wann kommt der Offline Modus für Meistertask auf iOS?
Hallo zusammen, mich hat nun schon mehrfach massiv gestört dass Meistertask nicht in der Lage ist meine Aufgaben / Einträge in den jeweiligen Projekten anzuzeigen wenn ich kein / oder kein gutes Internet habe. Es wirkt so, als würde beim öffnen eines Projektes alles neu aus dem Netz gezogen, was dann natürlich nicht…
New Changes in Meister Task
Just sharing……. I am an avid user of Meister Task since COVID-19 started in 2022 whereby all of us were confined to working from home. Now, with the latest changes in users/ members policy, the boss is looking into stopping using Meister Task. Sad cos Meister Task had already been part of my daily work recording and…
How to delete tasks in an overloaded project?
Hi all. I got trouble with project that already contain of 50k+ tasks that i would like to delete. However, it always error during the deletion. Is there any way to get it done? Thanks anyway
Im Besitz von
Hallo, ich habe vor einiger Zeit zusammen mit einer Bekannten ein Projekt angelegt, habe selbst ein Business Account und meine Bekannte hat ein Pro Account. Nun wollte ich aus dem Projekt raus. Meine Bekannte wollte jedoch das Projekt weiterbehalten und bearbeiten. Ich wollte mich aus dem Projekt löschen, das geht aber…
How can I have the checklist progress icon displayed on a task card?
I have several tasks with checklists. However in the general project overview, none of the tasks show they have a checklist, let alone how many items have been crossed off. I have to open each task to see that there is a checklist and what the progress is. I have a Business account (in Germany). I can see in others'…
Team invite doesn't work after I backed out of the login page
My team manager invited me to his team today, but after I clicked the link and backed out of the login window I am now not part of the team and I can't get a new invite because he gets this message: "This user was already invited". I can't access the link again since it says the link was used or is invalid. So since I…
Neue Tarife und Boards mit externen Basic Nutzern
Hallo liebes Meistertask-Team, das gestrige Announcement, das Boards bald nicht mehr mit Basic-Nutzern geteilt werden können, finde ich insbsondere vor dem Hintergrund der kurzen Reaktionszeit eine Frechheit. Ich habe mein gesamtes Business mit Meistertask organisiert und arbeite mit Team, externen Unterstützern und Kunden…
How to restore the old project status
There were two members in one project. One member did not attend the project for a long time and when she came back and logged in, the tasks did not synchronize. We first tried to un-assign the 2nd member and then re-assign her. After she was re-assigned, the whole project synchronized to her old project status. Is it…
Moving between teams?
My colleagues recently got an error message saying that they are not part of my team, upon investigating we found out that they are listed as members on our projects, but they are not part of our official office team on MeisterTask. It also seems like Meister created a team for each of them so they are stuck on their…
Es posible instalar la extensión meisternote dentro de la app meistertask?
Buen dia. quería saber si es posible instalar la extensión meisternote dentro de la app meistertask? es posible integrar ambas para trabajar desde el escritorio
How to change administrator in existing project?
How can I make one of the project members an administrator?
Does one subscription cover browser access and app access to your account?
I have paid through the app, is there something I need to do to show the subscription on the pc version or the Mac version of the software?
Team mit unterschiedlichen Plänen?
Hey, ich habe mir die FAQ durchgelesen, aber bin mir nicht sicher ob ich das korrekt verstenden habe. Deshalb einige Fragen. Ich bin ein Freiberufler, der mit externen Kollegen zusammenarbeitet. Kann ich ein Team zusammenstellen wenn die Kollegen auf unterschiedlichen Plänen unterwegs sind? Als Beispiel: Ich buche den…
Has anyone had "Server Error" when trying to access a single project?
Lately we've been getting the server error a lot, but it always opens eventually, but now it's not opening at all.
[RESOLVED] Why can I suddenly only view and not edit my notes?
I can view only — I cannot edit my notes out of nowhere. Please advise.
Is there any way to export all projects in once to csv file?
Hi.. is there any way to export all projects data to csv file all in once? I tried to export from "reports menu in the dashboard", but the it's contain less data than the data exported from "export menu in each project". Specifically, lack of list of tags data. Please help. Thanks
Why can't I create subnotes?
Hi my Meisternote seems not to open correctly. And I am not sure what setting I have changed, or what I have deleted. On the attached screenprint you can see. Furthermore I am not able to create subnotes. I have beent trying to fix this myself, but without any result. Any suggestions are very welcome. Thanks!
[RESOLVED] Duplizieren defekt / bug ?
Bei uns funktioniert seit einiger Zeit das "duplizieren" von Projekte nicht mehr. Hat das noch jemand?
Why cant I instantly duplicate projects?
Why does duplicating projects take some time in the background and I'll receive a notification once it's done? Why can't i simply duplicate a project instantly? Tank you :)
Simplifying Task Management: A Request for a Minimalistic Meister Task Interface
Greetings everyone, I've been a long-time user of Meister Task, and while it's been a valuable tool, there are a few features that I believe could benefit from some fine-tuning in the design. To put it into perspective: Much like when you rent or buy a house, you typically acquire an empty space, allowing you to choose the…
Fiz upgrade e não liberou para novo mapa mental, o que fazer?
[RESOLVED] Why can't I edit MeisterNote on the ipad?
Ich kann notes auf dem Ipad im Edge Browser nicht bearbeiten. Es kommt der Hinweis "Sie können nur lesen. Derzeit können Sie mobil noch nicht bearbeiten." Wir das gelöst? Danke und viele Grüße Rainer
Can I reduce the cover image size in MeisterNote?
I understand I can change the cover image of a note, but can I reduce or eliminate it? When I print to PDF, there is a lot of wasted space. I'd like to reduce the size in the note and in the resulting pdf. Thanks. (Yes, I know I can edit the PDF, but why not fix the problem at the source?)
Exporting all pages of the notes at once?
Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to download all of the pages of the notes as a PDF at once? When I try to use the print button to save it as a PDF it only exports the one page I am currently on.
Team Mitglied wird ausgetauscht
Why can't I add a fourth team member?
I cannot seem to add my fourth team member (User) I have updated my plan to include four seats but when I get to the Invite section the "Invite" button is dark and I cannot press it.
Outlook Integration and Emailed tasks to the top of a list?
Hi All, Is there a way to to have new tasks created via the outlook integration or emailed to be added to the top of a task list rather than appearing at the bottom? This is without having to resort the list. Thanks, Mark
Why is live visible task syncing not working?
Hi All, My team and I have used MeisterTask for many years (since 2017) and one of the main attractions was the live visible syncing of tasking being added and moved etc. As of late this doesn't seem to be happening unless we do a complete refresh of the project page. Is there anything that could be stopping this syncing…