How can I transfer maps from one account to another?
Hi. I have a Google sign-in accounts with Maps and I have now upgrade to a PRO version with a Microsoft login (through the company). How do i transfer the maps from the google account into the PRO MS account?
Error when I right-click. Troubleshooting?
Several of us are working on the same mindmap, but for several hours now, every time we try to make a right-click modification, we get an error message."An error has occurred. We are very sorry, our team is already aware of the problem and is working on a solution. Please refresh the page." La page est ensuite actualisé et…
Instabilidade no Mindmeister
Ola a todos, meu MINDMEISTER está apresentando uma instabilidade muito grande. Toda vez que tento editar a caixa com cores ou icones ele diz que está com instabilidade e a equipe do MINDMEISTER já está sabendo, porém está assim a 3 dias já, uso para trabalho. Alguem sabe se consigo solicitar ajuda direto pra eles, pensei…
How to duplicate sections of MindMap?
Ok I need to build a visual organizational model. I'm going to attach an image of the start. I need a 3x3x3 model, 9 levels down. Example: 3 spots, each of those have 3, each of those have 3, etc. So this image is the first level. I need to copy the blue, pink, purple blocks to duplicate under 1A, then also 1B and also 1C.…
Where is the theme of the free version?
Hi All, I just subscribed and I am somewhat surprised not to find the theme of the free version of MindMup. Does anyone know where can I find it? Thank you all L
What is the best way to build and manage Org Charts in MM?
We are looking to build and maintain an Org Chart for our company and we are looking for some best practices. We want it to be viewable to all of the employees (even ones without MindMeister accounts. We want it to be flexible and be able to show just titles or titles and employee names.
What's the difference between user and collaborator? Help me choose a plan!
Hello. I would like to know more about plans and I have some questions. If anyone could help me, it would be appreciated. I was thinking about getting the Personal Plan, because it has the function "Share mind maps" and "Unlimited Map Collaborators". I would like to have a few mind maps that I create and mainly use, but I…
Confusing category icon for the personal section
Hi, not sure if many are using icons but I noticed that for most categories the icon you click at the bottom is part of the icon set within that category. Except for the "Tick" icon. This brings you to the "Personal" section, but the icon itself is within the "Productivity" section. Should the Personal section maybe get…
How to share a template with my students?
I created this template for my college students to use as a foundation for building their assignments. In the past, they were able to copy it and edit it as their own. Now they are getting a view only option when they create their account and try to copy it. They use the free accounts. These are my settings. It appears…
How is printing intended to work?
I've been trying to print my mind map, but it crops in seemingly random places. The help topic is very basic. One main reason I paid for the service was to be able to print maps easily, but the feature doesn't appear to work very well. Anything I'm missing? Thanks
How to fix error when embedding a mind map?
I have a mind map that I'm trying to embedd on https://lms.alliedc.com. I get an error saying "mindmeister.com refused to connect" The embed code generated by the UI is: <div><iframe width="600" height="400" frameBorder="0"…
How to access a mindmap associated with a potentially lost account?
I have a mind map that I really didnt want to lose and I suspect it was associated with another account I no longer have access too (used an email of a former employer probably) - is there a way to recover it?
I upgraded and lost old data. How do I recover it?
I was not using my old account, so I was not paying for it since last year but, still, I was able to read the old data in MindMeister. I've just decided to come back so I upgraded for a personal account and made the payment. I've lost many of my old mindmaps in the process. That was a lot of work. What can I do to recover…
How to create a floating topic without right-hand click?
Does anyone know a different way to create a floating topic instead of using mouse's right buttom? When I click with the right buttom the option to create a floating topic doesnt appear?
Can I get a free trial of the personal plan?
I already requested it on the website form and I didn't receive an answer.. can you help me?
[RESOLVED] Dificuldades com a digitação errada nos mapas mentais (Typing error)
Bom dia! Estou tendo dificuldades com a digitação dentro dos mapas mentais. Toda digitação que estou fazendo não segue a digitação de teclado. Já fiz teste em outros programas, no word e até a digitação aqui está ok. Alguem pode me instruir o que aconteceu?
Can lines only be drawn from the left or right side of topics?
For mind maps, I can see how I can move objects to custom locations. However, it appears that the connecting lines will only go to the right or left side of the object, rather than connect on top. Is there a way to do that?
How to Link Topics from Two Different Maps
Hi all! Is it possible to link topics together from two completely different mind maps within MindMeister? I'd like to be able to click a link within a topic that will open up the details of a different topic on another mind map. Thanks!
Confidentialité : apparition d'anciennes cartes sur historique récent
Bonjour, Depuis quelques semaines, j'ai noté que des cartes mentales que je n'ai plus jamais consultées ou modifiées apparaissent dans mon historique récent régulièrement. C'est comme si quelqu'un consultait mes cartes à mon insu, ce qui est assez inquiétant. Mindmeister laisse-t-il une IA naviguer sur le contenu de nos…
How to turn off auto line-break?
Hello, does anyone know how to turn off the automatic line-break feature in a Topic? It always inserts line breaks in places I don't intend them to be. or should I ask MindMester support for this question?
How to find a deleted map? (Basic)
I deleted my family tree on a mind map by accident and i dont want to pay a full subscription just for 1 thing is there any possible way i could restore it?
Is it possible to link between subtopics in the iOS app?
Is it possible make links/relationships between (sub)objects in a mindmap in the ios app?
How do you change the background color of the mind map?
Regarding the design of the MindMap, when exporting how to change the background without upgrading to a pro version
Autenticação TFA: Não consigo habilitar...
Olás!! Quero habilitar uma segunda camada de segurança e não consigo habilitar o TFA! A senha lançada no campo diz que é inválida… Tenho 3 nomes de usuários no Mind; será este o impedimento? Grato e até breve!
How to get access to upgraded account after I've paid?
I am using Mind Meister and made the payment for 6 months on 6th Aprial, 2023. Now, my account is still in Basic Plan.
Disappearing topics due to pressing the backspace key too many times when erasing many characters
I apologize for asking this question so often, Often when I use the backspace key to erase several characters in a row of text in a topic in a mind map, I press the key too many times and the topic itself disappears, and I have to start over to bring the topic back. This is a minor stress. When erasing text in a topic with…
My mind map is unresponsive.
The behavior is strange in the following points. The same thing happened yesterday.How can I solve this? ・Some topics are not seen when clicking on them. ・Why does the shape of the map change when I click on a topic?
Is it possible to collapse all sub-topics by default?
Is it possible to collapse all sub-topics by default? My mind map contains quite a lot of text in sub-topics, and I want it to be hidden by default. Is it possible? If so, how?
Is it possible to set deadline and prioritization for tasks?
Before the new version it was possible to set a deadline for tasks, prioritize them (1-10) and receive a reminder email. Is this also possible with the new version? If yes how?
Can I select multiple items on a mind map at once and make them tasks in MeisterTask?
Is there a way to select multiple items on a mind map at once and task them into a meister Task?