Why can't I unsubscribe from MindMeister emails?
Hi, Mindmeister gives me no other way of communicating this other than community (I apologise). I note Mindmeister emails do NOT give any simple "unsubscribe" options on their marketing emails. They should. They should have a support email even for free, they should not force use of this community board. Vargula
How to add additional admins to meistertask and mindmeister in pro (bundle)?
How could I give users the admin role and / remove the admin role? I just buyed the meistertask and mindmeister pro edition (bundle) and created a group with all my 4 users. I am the only admin now. I can´t find a menu or task to handle roles / permissions. Please help.
[RESOLVED] Unresponsive MM Android app
Hi! I'm Trying to use MindMeister Android Application at Galaxy Tab A (2016), Android Version 8.1.0, but I am facing problems to "Open" or "Close" any floating topic or Subtopic on My Maps at this App, because the button "Open/Close" just doesn't works. Any Idea about how can I solve that?
Why can't I add emojis on the Android app?
olá, gostaria de saber por que o emoji não pode ser add na versão do ANDROID. Não aparece essa aba para add o emoji. Estou limitado ao uso no computador.
Error Screen - For Meister Team to check!
Whats the best way to show 2 separate companies owning the same subsidiary in an org chart?
Qual é o procedimento para mudar o nome de um mapa? (Change map name)
Preciso mudar o nome do meu mapa mental para um novo, mas não consigo encontrar a opção de renomear ao clicar em "..." Alguém pode me orientar?
Why is MindMeister not working on my iPhone?
Good morning! I love Mind Meister but right now I really need to work on it and it's always blocking on my iPhone. How can I solve this situation? Thank you very much!
How do I take a grayed out map and make it one of the 3 mind maps that are active?
I have basic plan, which allows up to 3 mind maps. I have more than three maps, and I need to switch which ones are active. How do I take a grayed out map and make it one of the 3 mind maps that are active
[RESOLVED] Why do I get unhandled response status 502 when trying to export?
i got this error when i try to export
How to create an outline then convert it to a template by pressing a toggle key?
Can I change the direction of just one small part of my mind map?
I would like to have the right part of my mind map looking the other way, that the connections don't go over the text…. Can anyone help me? Thank you :D
Customer Service Contact
Hi! I need to speak with someone about being double billed but can't find an email or phone number to speak with a human. Anyone have any ideas?
How we can change our credit card for the next annual payment term?
Hi there, How we can change our credit card for the next annual payment term? Thank you
Why is a years-old mind map link no longer working?
Hi, I've created a huge map for my website and I had put a link on one dedicated page, the general map created with Meister. Yesterday, Tuesday, June 8th 2023, I discovered that Meister decided to lock this link if I incorporate it in a website's page. WHY ? Anyone had this same trouble please ? Thanks for your answers.
Can I export mind map to PDF or image with the clickable topics?
I have created a mindmap, added the topics, and attached a link. Can I make by topics clickable?
How to move data from an old account to a new account?
Hello everyone, I have an account hungvt16407@st.uel.edu.vn. Now, my account is locked by our school because I graduated. Therefore, my account on Mindmeister disappeared with lots of data. Can you help me move all data from old account to new account. Thank you so much.
Erro na escrita do texto (words changing after I type them)
Quando vou escrever em um mapa existente ou novo, eu escrevo uma palavra e automaticamente ele modifica a palavra para algo que não entendo. Como corrigir esse erro? o meu mapa é versão paga, pensei que poderia ser o idioma mas não achei como trocar
How to export right-aligned maps in the right order?
Problem When Exporting right aligned maps it results in random order of topics in text file. It doesn't follow the order of the right aligned topics from top to bottom. It is in the new version of Mindmeister How do I solve this?
I forgot my old account details! How to log in?
aloha meister team! need help, i had an account that i paid for (business meisterbundle) and cannot seem to log back into it (did not write down the login correctly). so need help reinstating the account. it is still active, i just forgot the login. not sure if this is the right place to post this so please move as you…
Can I combine mind maps from several accounts into one?
Hi! I have several accounts and I am planning to upgrade my plan to integrate all my maps in one same account. Can that be easily done?
Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one topic in MindMeister?
Hi everyone! Is it possible to connect multiple tasks (for MeisterTask) to one element in MindMeister? I've tried but failed. It would be useful not to produce lots of small tasks in the Map but to group them in one element. If it is currently not possible, does anyone else need such possibility? :) We could ask the…
My Map Disappeared. Where can I find it?
I can't find my mind map. It just disappeared from my account. I didn't find it in the trash. How do I find? I'm using the latest version to date of Google Chrome on Mac OS 13.3.1(a) (22E772610a)
Why do I get a 3D secure authentication problem when paying?
Good morning, I can no longer update my payment card. Every time I try it shows me a problem related to 3D Secure. I tried with 3 different cards and the problem is always the same. How to do ? Thanks for your help.
Map is in "view only" mode in legacy editor, how do I get it back to where I can make changes?
My text vibrates all the time - what should I do?
Is there a way to control what order new nodes are created?
It seems the order of new nodes is a little random. The 2 mapping tools I have used before both started with node 1 in the top right (like Meister) and then went clockwise for the rest of the nodes. Meister seems to to the first 4 in one order then after than in a different order. Is there a way to control that? I would…
Why isn't my mindmeister saving? (synchronisation issues)
i have not turned off my computer since yesterday bc when i open my mindmeister in other devices it doesn't show the progress i've made. i'm afraid of reloading bc i need the data until tomorrow. how do i go about this?
Como eu faço para tirar essa recomendação automatica de palavras? (Strange error)
Procurei no Youtube, no suporte deles e nada!! Não consigo fazer um mapa mental porque não da pra colocar a palvra que eu quero tem que ser a que eles recomendam, não faz o minimo sentido! Além de não dar para dar espaço entre as palavras se não ele apaga tudo, então todos os meu tópicos tem uma palavra só ou são duas…
Why is moving topics by drag-and-drop not smooth in the new editor?
In previous versions, there was no problem, but in this new version, moving topics by mouse operation is not smooth (they are moved to the wrong place), and drag-and-drop operations such as jpeg images often result in mishandling, which greatly reduces work efficiency. We hope you can improve this problem as soon as…