How to connect two nodes back to one node?
Hi all, I am looking for a way to make my mind map go from two nodes to one node. For example, if I had two parents that I wanted to connect to one child. The screenshot below shows all I have been able to do so far, but ideally I would have b and c both connect to a single "d". Any ideas?
[CURRENT BUG] iPhone app is so buggy when handling Japanese text
I've been a Mindmeister user for quite sometime, and I like it. But, there's this bug which makes Mindmeister on iPhone or iPad almost unusable in Japanese. The iOS app doesn't show the entire text when showing the tree. When clicked, it shows the hidden part. Not all nodes are affected by this buggy behavior. Some of them…
Resolve "Automatically expand links".
I prefer to uncheck the "Automatically expand links," but the public map opens in the expanded links view. How can I resolve this issue? "Automatically expand links" is unchecked. But the public map will be open in the expand links mode. How can I resolve this issue? But when I log in the issue is not existed.
How to recover a lost mind map child?
I just lost several children on my map, due to a bug and I don't know how to solve it. Upon clicking the revert button, a pop-up appeared stating that the team was aware of an issue and had updated the page. How am I going to get my children back now?
I accidentally deleted all of my work
What can I do, if I accidentally deleted the whole work I have done, the site didn't allow to do a back step and now I just have nothing. Is it just an opion to make a user to upgrade?
How To Use Outline MindMeister + Note?
Hi All, I've watched this tutorial and at min 6:51, she talks about mind meister having 'outline mode'. I don't have the out line mode. I have MeisterNote (FREE) and paid 'MindMiester. I am wanting to do exactly as she is doing - convert miester Notes into Mind Meister MindMap. ou will see what she does aroung min 7:06.…
Dashboard - alle überfälligen Aufgaben anzeigen
Hallo, ich habe mir meine fälligen Aufgaben auf dem Dashboard anzeigen lassen. Gibt es eine Funktion, dass man sich hier auch alle fälligen Aufgaben eigene Projekte anzeigen lassen kann, auch wenn sie anderen Mitgliedern übertragen wurden? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Thomas Golinowski
Why can't I change my email?
I am changing my email address but when I click on the confirmation email it still won't change the email. Is there anything I can do to remedy the problem?
Default template/topic
Is there a way to set up a generic mind map that automatically has filled-in topics? What I'm thinking is as I study, each chapter has a background and signs/symptoms section which is consistent throughout all chapters. Is there a way to get the first 2 topics to say "Background" or something else instead of "1st level…
[RESOLVED] Received Error: Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for.
どうしたらファイルが開けますか?10時間以上かかったデータを開けない。 "Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed."
Why doesn't MindMeister have these features?
Payment issue
Hi I selected the Meister Bundle Pro for payment. However, on completion of payment only half the amount was deducted and I recieved no email confirmation or change in Plan status. (Logged in on one email address.) Support requested through email, however, no response. Payment confirmed through bank. Can someone please…
Can I change the admin for my team?
I have pro plan for my team and I am the current admin. Can I change the admin to another member? BTW, it says with pro plan I can send inquiries by email, but I cannot find any email address of the Mindmeister secretariat anywhere. It just loop me to this community so that is why I am asking here.
Why can't I see 3 maps in Basic Plan?
Hello Miša! (or whoever :) … I thought I would start a new string for this topic. So the basic plan comes with the first 3 maps created. If one is deleted, the next ever created one should become available. I was only able to see 2 maps to begin with and I delted one of them. So, right now I can only seem to access one…
I can't create a team on the Pro plan
I bought Pro plan about July 6th. But two days ago, the function to add a person to the team disappeared. help me please how do i add people to the team?
Does anyone know how to make the "note" box larger?
It's way too small for a lot of text.
Request to change e-mail link fails with ERROR-500
I have requested my e-mail to be changed to a new e-mail. I have received the e-mail with the confirmation link. When clicking on the "Activate Account" I get the "500 - Oh no - something went wrong". There is no obvious easy way to report this error.
Can I store mindmaps on usb or HDD or cloud storage as back-up?
can I store mindmaps on usb or HDD or cloud storage other than from mindmeister as back-up?
Como recuperar um mapa mental quando ao clicar nele diz que foi movido ou removido?
Ao compartilhar o mapa com uma pessoa, perdi o meu acesso ao mapa pois ao clicar nele aparece a mensagem de que ele foi movido ou removido. Com o botão direito, consigo abrir o mapa, porém não consigo editar. Preciso de ajuda!
How can I get MM to start with a blank map instead of having sample nodes?
On the web, anytime I create a new map it starts with 2 level 1 and 4 level 2 items. I cannot remove them without clicking on them, so it is very inconvenient. I want a blank map I can just start typing, I don't want to have to use my mouse to click on them. If I hit tab it creates a new node. I want new maps to just start…
How to delete attachment in iPhone app?
Hi! I can't seem to figure out how to delete an attachment in the iPhone app. I attached two images to a task, but I don’t see where to delete either of them in the iPhone app.
Logged back into Basic Plan - Not able to see any maps at all - Please help
With this particular account, I used to be on a Personal Plan (paid) and downgraded to basic in 2021. I was busy with the care of a family member and now logged back in and it just keeps giving me the option to renew. I am sure that there were more than 3 maps and I don't need to see all of them because there were a lot of…
Can we get a SIPOC Template?
I'd like a SIPOC template on various formats please? S: Supplier; I: inputs; P: Processes; O: Outputs; C: Customer. Thank you!
Why is the order of topics being rearranged when going from overview to map?
When I type in all my topics in the outline, then I view it in the mindmap mode, the order of toipics is completely rearranged. I then have to manually rearrange everything. This becomes too tedious for big maps containing multiple topics, subtopics. Is there a way to go around this problem? Am I doing it wrong?
Boa tarde! Gostaria de exportar meus mapas em formato PDF, SEM QUE aparecessem os topicos em linhas abaixo dele, como na foto que anexei. Alguém consegue me ajudar? Obrigada.
No access to my maps on MS Edge! Please help.
Suddenly I could not access My Maps. I shut down my PC and logged in again but I could not get in. Instead of accessing via shortcut, I searched in the browser and logged in, but I cannot still get into My Maps. I was totally OK until last night. I am having trouble accessing it since this morning. Please help! Thanks.
I cannot open a website on PC.
Dear sir, Today I upgraded my plan from free to pro, but after upgrading I cannot the website on PC. If I click the website, it automatically transfers to the below URL and it shows a white screen like the screenshot attached. I have to use this app for my client so please help me. I have no idea where I can ask to help.
All the maps disappeared
After I logged out and again logged in, all the maps disappeared. Does anybody have any knowledge about this?
I can’t restore the previous version of the map
I can’t restore the previous version of the map. It is showed the message "エラーが発生しました(error happened in English)". what should I do next action? I'm appreciated if someone advices me.
[RESOLVED] Mind map issues : Refuse to connect
Why is it that after so many years of working properly, mind maps are no longer accessible (error message: www.mindmeister.com refused to connect)