Elements are stuck and not auto-adjusting (size)
The first level of child elements in my mindmap are stuck. When I add 2nd level and siblings, all the elements start overlapping. I can manually move them, but how do I "unstick" them? Thanks in advance.
Embedded Maps not displaying (Frame-Options set to 'sameorigin')
Hello guys, I have a problem with showing/opening my mind maps. I shared them via iframe on my website and it worked for a few weeks, but recently noticed that those maps are not showing up in iframe, because of this reason(issue recorder in Google Chrome Developer Console directly on my website): Refused to display…
How to smart tint of all children topics fill color the same as level 1 in 'Fireworks' theme?
Goal: In Fireworks Theme, Branch A = red, Branch B = blue. I want all topics of any level in Branch A = red fill, and respectively blue for Branch B. If I move a 3rd level topic from Branch A (which is now filled red), anywhere in Branch B, the fill changes to blue. Current State: Branch A level 1 = red fill, levels 2+ =…
Bug reporting
I haven't found how to report bugs yet. There are some basic bugs in the free version 1) If you assign a border colour to a level 2 item which matches the colour of the connecting line, then move it to a different position 1a) The colour of the connecting line stays the same, but 1b) The border colour changes - why????? 2)…
Large Map Running Slow 動作が遅い、、
メインのマップの動作が遅いです、、 他のはサクサク動きます! マップが大きいと重くなるとかありますか? 他のマップをコピーしてメインのマップに貼り付けて一つにまとめてから遅くなりました。 あと、順番とか配置が勝手に変わってたりします、、 対処方法教えてください The main map is slow,, The others run crisp! Is it possible that the bigger the map, the slower it gets? It became slow after I copied the other maps and pasted them into the main map and…
Lost data - bug?
ACRESCENTEI MUITAS Informações ao meu mapa mental e simplesmente elas nao estao aqui, sou assinante.
Where is my mind map?
I signed up for Mind Meister in October 2021. It worked great and I created and added to one large mind map. Then just last month, I saw that my account was not working. I needed to pay for another year. So I just did, but when I log back in, I can't find my map. Is there a way to get the old one back? I worked on it for…
How can i make my mind map more professional?
Я оплатил тариф про, но меня так и не повысили куда мне написать ?
Я оплатил тариф про, но меня так и не повысили куда мне написать ?
Is there a maximum limit for attaching files in Pro?
Unfortunately, as of today, it is no longer possible to attach files in Mindmeister. Is there a maximum limit for file attachments in the Pro version?
How to make the mind map not open the branches automatically?
How do I make my map not open all branches as soon as I enter it? I have a lot of things saved inside a map and if it opens automatically I have to close all these branches afterwards
Why do my mind maps empty after logout?
Some of my mindmaps keep on turning empty after exiting my browser or logout. Has anyone experienced this issue and found a solution?
Error "Cannot find what you were looking for".
Hello, I have created a mindmap. It is listed under "my maps". But if I click on it it cannot be opened. It says: "Leider konnten wir nicht finden, wonach Sie gesucht haben. Es wurde möglicherweise verschoben oder entfernt." (Unfortunately we could not find what you were looking for. Maybei it was moved or deleted) But if…
Error "Sorry I didn't find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed."
I'm trying to open a map but it is giving the following message: "Sorry I didn't find what you were looking for. It may have been moved or removed." Which doesn't make sense because I can export it and other people who are shared can access it
Hilfe! Ich verzweifle - ständig ändert er die Reihenfolge
Hallo Mindmeister Freunde, kann mir irgendjemand weiterleiten. Ständig ändert Mindmeister bei mir die Reihenfolge meiner Anordnungen. Hatte erst mit der Ansicht "Mindmap" gestartet, dann bin ich übergegangen auf "Liste" und dort versucht die Reihenfolge so zu definieren wie ich es möchte. Doch trotzem ändert er auch dort…
Mindmap komplett gecrashed und nicht mehr aufrufbar
Hallo ich habe eine Mindmaps erstellt am Rechner, später am Smartphone was geändert und dann ließ sich die Mindmaps nicht mehr mit Mausklick öffnen. Ich konnte Sie öffnen indem ich sie markiert habe und über die rechte Maustaste und "öffnen" ausgewählt habe. Aber, die Mindmaps lässt sich nicht mehr bearbeiten und ist tot.…
How can I transfer maps from one account to another?
Hi. I have a Google sign-in accounts with Maps and I have now upgrade to a PRO version with a Microsoft login (through the company). How do i transfer the maps from the google account into the PRO MS account?
Error when I right-click. Troubleshooting?
Several of us are working on the same mindmap, but for several hours now, every time we try to make a right-click modification, we get an error message."An error has occurred. We are very sorry, our team is already aware of the problem and is working on a solution. Please refresh the page." La page est ensuite actualisé et…
Instabilidade no Mindmeister
Ola a todos, meu MINDMEISTER está apresentando uma instabilidade muito grande. Toda vez que tento editar a caixa com cores ou icones ele diz que está com instabilidade e a equipe do MINDMEISTER já está sabendo, porém está assim a 3 dias já, uso para trabalho. Alguem sabe se consigo solicitar ajuda direto pra eles, pensei…
How to duplicate sections of MindMap?
Ok I need to build a visual organizational model. I'm going to attach an image of the start. I need a 3x3x3 model, 9 levels down. Example: 3 spots, each of those have 3, each of those have 3, etc. So this image is the first level. I need to copy the blue, pink, purple blocks to duplicate under 1A, then also 1B and also 1C.…
Where is the theme of the free version?
Hi All, I just subscribed and I am somewhat surprised not to find the theme of the free version of MindMup. Does anyone know where can I find it? Thank you all L
What is the best way to build and manage Org Charts in MM?
We are looking to build and maintain an Org Chart for our company and we are looking for some best practices. We want it to be viewable to all of the employees (even ones without MindMeister accounts. We want it to be flexible and be able to show just titles or titles and employee names.
What's the difference between user and collaborator? Help me choose a plan!
Hello. I would like to know more about plans and I have some questions. If anyone could help me, it would be appreciated. I was thinking about getting the Personal Plan, because it has the function "Share mind maps" and "Unlimited Map Collaborators". I would like to have a few mind maps that I create and mainly use, but I…
Confusing category icon for the personal section
Hi, not sure if many are using icons but I noticed that for most categories the icon you click at the bottom is part of the icon set within that category. Except for the "Tick" icon. This brings you to the "Personal" section, but the icon itself is within the "Productivity" section. Should the Personal section maybe get…
How to share a template with my students?
I created this template for my college students to use as a foundation for building their assignments. In the past, they were able to copy it and edit it as their own. Now they are getting a view only option when they create their account and try to copy it. They use the free accounts. These are my settings. It appears…
How is printing intended to work?
I've been trying to print my mind map, but it crops in seemingly random places. The help topic is very basic. One main reason I paid for the service was to be able to print maps easily, but the feature doesn't appear to work very well. Anything I'm missing? Thanks
How to fix error when embedding a mind map?
I have a mind map that I'm trying to embedd on https://lms.alliedc.com. I get an error saying "mindmeister.com refused to connect" The embed code generated by the UI is: <div><iframe width="600" height="400" frameBorder="0"…
How to access a mindmap associated with a potentially lost account?
I have a mind map that I really didnt want to lose and I suspect it was associated with another account I no longer have access too (used an email of a former employer probably) - is there a way to recover it?
I upgraded and lost old data. How do I recover it?
I was not using my old account, so I was not paying for it since last year but, still, I was able to read the old data in MindMeister. I've just decided to come back so I upgraded for a personal account and made the payment. I've lost many of my old mindmaps in the process. That was a lot of work. What can I do to recover…
How to create a floating topic without right-hand click?
Does anyone know a different way to create a floating topic instead of using mouse's right buttom? When I click with the right buttom the option to create a floating topic doesnt appear?